Thursday, January 27, 2022

John Paul Anderson

Author:  Carroll Scherber
Created:  January 27, 2022
Revised:  April 20, w0ww

 John Paul Anderson conceded he wasn't our Holy Father, USNpiggy tells Scrabble and Binxy of the animal kingdom.  John Paul Anderson's grandfather and great grandfather conceded that John Paul Anderson wasn't our Holy Father, USNpiggy tells Scrabble and Binxy of the animal kingdom.

We had Redsagittarian concede in March 2020,, and now John Paul Anderson concedes.  The reason being is due to the way we made these connections with who they are.  They were under the impression that they were our Holy Father.

You may be asking why all this hoopla surrounding our Holy Father.  It is because there has been a change in the kingdom of heaven where a man becomes with who they are.