Author: Carroll Scherber
Created: July 03,
The shadows fell upon who we are, USNpiggy tells Scrabble and Binxy. We are the shadows of death, Binxy and Scrabble tells USNpiggy and USNdaddy.
Death is only but a memory, Jesus Christ and Yahweh say to USNdaddy and USNpiggy in the animal kingdom... A memory of who we are, He says.
Who we are is who we are, Lucifer tell USNpiggy while learning about who they are. For, I have not told you who we are, Lucifer Ingram and Satan Ingram tell USNpiggy and USNdaddy in the animal kingdom. We are who we are, Satan Ingram tells USNpig and USNdaddy in the animal kingdom. As if, we were "Green Eggs and Ham," Satan Ingram says to USNpig and USNdaddy in the animal kingdoms.