Showing posts with label Uranus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uranus. Show all posts

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Monkey in a Outer Spaces

Author:  Carroll Scherber
Created:  May 31, 2015
Revised:  October 19, 2016

Where is Lucifer, asks ScrabbleBinxy to USNdaddy?
His in the outer spaces, he replies!
Where did they send him, asks Scotty?
They sent him to Uranus, cries Binxy as the tears were coming down his faces!
Oh, my God, yells Scotty!  That’s a flicker!  One on the transporter pad Captain, hollers Spock across the Holodeck!
Plot course to Uranus, tells the captain.
Captain!  We have a stranded monkey in a space suit, yells Spock!
Course is set Captain, yells Spock!
Communication is being received, tells the communications officer.
Put it on the main viewer, tells the Captain.
On the main view Captain, Scotty tells the Captain!
Look, Captain!  It’s a monkey in a space outfit, yells the communications officer as she points to the monkey in the space outfit who is on the main viewer circling around Uranus!
What is he doing, yells the Captain?
It looks like he is going around Uranus wiping out all the Klingons, tells the navigator to the Captain!
One to beam up Captain, yells Scotty!
Continued... May 27, 2016
I want to take over, the Klingon yells to the Captain!
How about, Uranus, the monkey in outer space yells to the astronaut in out spaces?

Continued... September 20, 2016
That's because, he's too busy wiping out all the Klingons in outer spaces, Lucifer yells through outer spaces!

Continued... October 19, 2016
That monkey came back from outer spaces, Lucifer yells to USNpiggy in the cockpit!

That monkey came from a long way, the astronaut yells to USNpiggy in the cockpit of the spaceship!