Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Three Hour Tour

On:  ScrabbleBinxy.Blogspot.com
Author:  Carroll Scherber
Created:  May 5, 2015

I’m feeling a little ambitious this morning, tells Beelzebub!
Somebody get me two blondes!

Get to hair and makeup, screams Binxy to Beelzebub!

Here is your blonde wig, says the Stylist!

Oh, thank you Honey yells Beelzebub!

Get to wardrobe, the Stylist says!

Here are your ruby slippers, tells the Costume Designer!

Oh, thank you Honey yells Beelzebub!

Get to props, tells the Costume Designer!

What’s this, asks Beelzebub to the Prop Master?

It’s a road map, tells the Prop Master!

Here are your two blondes, says the Stage Director!

I heard he is going on tour, says the first blonde to the second blonde.

You gotta be kidding me, says the second blonde to the first blonde.  A tour-a?

A three hour tour, says the Stage Director!

Because, the play takes three hour tour tells Beelzebub!
What’s with the road map, asks the second blonde to Beelzebub?

It’s a road map, asks the first blonde?
What are you supposed to do with a road map?

The Director hollers from the rafters, place it down on the floor!

Now what are you supposed to do, asks the second blonde?
Follow the yellow brick road, the blonde munchkin tells Beelzebub!
Follow the yellow brick road, a second blonde munchkin yells to Beelzebub!
Follow the yellow brick road, Beelzebub sings!

I gotta know where I'm where I'm going, tells Beelzebub Scherber!

I gave you a road map, tells the munchkin!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Fork Tongue

On:  ScrabbleBinxy.Blogspot.com
Author:  Carroll Scherber
Created:  April 24, 2015

Pull my tongue out a little further, Satan tells Satan Scherber!

You gotta be kidding me, he says!

I’m kidding you, Satan Scherber says to him.

You know, I already speak with fork tongue!

You gotta be kidding me, tells Satan Ingraham.

It is one of these things I play with, tells Satan Scherber to Satan and Satan Ingraham!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Fortune Cookie

On:  ScrabbleBinxy.Blogspot.com
Author:  Carroll Scherber
Created:  April 13, 2015

Here is a cookie, tells the waitress.
What do I need a cookie for, asks the patron?
Take the cookie, Honey!
Open the cookie!
Okay!  Okay!  Okay!
Open the cookie, Honey!
Okay!  Okay!  Okay!  I’m opening the cookie!
Let me get the wrapper off!
Okay!  I got the wrapper off!
Open the cookie!
Open the cookie!
Open the cookie!
I’m opening the cookie![
What’s in the cookie?
What’s in the cookie?
What’s in the cookie?
It’s a piece of paper.
You gotta be kidding me?
You gotta be kidding me?
You gotta be kidding me?
There’s writing on the paper.
What’s it say?
I don’t know.  It’s in Chinese!
Get the waitress!
Let me get the waitress!
Here comes the waitress!
How can I help you, asks the waitress?
What’s this?
It’s a piece of paper, tells the waitress!
Well, what’s on the piece of paper?
It’s your fortune, tells the waitress!
Oh… it’s a fortune cookie!
ScrabbleBinxy, it’s a fortune cookie!
Let me tell you, I can’t fucking read this he tells the waitress!
It’s in Chinese, says the waitress!  Of course, you can’t read it!
Oh…!  It’s in Chinese!
Oh…!  It’s in Chinese!
ScrabbleBinxy!  It’s in Chinese!
That’s what I thought!  It’s in Chinese!
Thank goodness!
Thank goodness!
I thought it was in Japanese!
Why did you think it was Japanese?
Because, if it was Japanese…
You could look as these, as ScrabbleBinxy is interrupted!
The whole table laughs.
What’s it say?
It says, I don’t know.  It’s in Chinese, says the waitress.
You gotta be kidding me!
You gotta be fucking kidding me!
You gotta be fucking kidding me!
It says, And, with six you get egg roll!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Knock! Knock!

On:  ScrabbleBinxy.Blogspot.com
Author:  Carroll Scherber
Created:  April 9, 2015

Knock!  Knock!
Who’s there, Binxy asks as he heads towards the door?
It’s the plumber!  I've come to fix your sink!
It’s the plumber.  He’s come to fix the sink Honey, tells Scrabble.
There’s a cracked pipe under the sink, says Binxy.
He’s the plumber.  He’s here to fix the sink, says ScrabbleBinxy.
A cracked pipe, the plumber says.  I can fix your cracked pipe.
He can fix the cracked pipe, says Scrabble with glee!
He can fix the cracked pipe, says Binxy with joy!
The plumber bends over to fix the cracked pipe.
Scrabble says, That’s not a cracked pipe!
Binxy shouts, That’s not a cracked pipe!
ScrabbleBinxy chuckles, That’s plumber’s crack!
You gotta be kidding me, Binxy laughs!
You gotta be fucking kidding me, Scrabble laughs!
I ain't fucking kidding you, shouts ScrabbleBinxy!
Now that’s one plumber’s crack I would like to open, Scrabble tells Binxy and ScrabbleBinxy!

Monday, April 6, 2015


On:  ScrabbleBinxy.Blogspot.com
Author:  Carroll Scherber
Created:  April 6, 2015

Why won’t he talk to anybody?

When you have a man in a family, who does not talk to each other, you have a man who is not heard.

Voices are raised where words are spoken.
Voices are heard where words are spoken.
Voices are mute where words are spoken.

Ears are open where the mind is closed.
Ears are open where the heart is melancholy.
Ears are open where the body is withered.

Silence are the words which are not spoken.
Silence are the words which are heard.
Silence are the sounds which surround us.

Thursday, April 2, 2015


On:  ScrabbleBinxy.Blogspot.com
Author:  Carroll Scherber
Created:  April 2, 2015

Where are we?  Where are we depends on who we are.  I have spoken so frequently about the looking glass which holds a true and factual statement; I have spoken of the reflection which tells a big fat lie.  What I didn't tell you is where you are in the reflections in your irises which see the haze within your eyes.

The iris easily hold the sunburst which reflects the virtue of who you are; if it is not of who you are, then it is of who we are.  The haze is the cloud which covers your virtue and integrity.  The cloud which covers your irises is the cloud we wash away; if we do not wash away the cloud over our irises then we question where we are.

We start our days just as we end our day, we start our mornings just as we end our nights, we begin our journeys just as we end our voyages, and we move into the sun just as we walk away from the sunset.  We are here to commence our voyage for each voyage has a destination and journey.  We are on a voyage of no end without a journey to guide us to a destination; our journeys are set forth before us, whereas, our futures are placed in front of us.  Our voyages are here before us to explore and examine; our journeys are here in our laps for others to share and tell.

Monday, March 30, 2015

A Child in a Cape and Cowl

On:  ScrabbleBinxy.Blogspot.com
Author:  Carroll Scherber
Created:  March 30, 2015
Revised:  April 11, 2020


All day long we read these fucking messages.

I gave him who I am.  I am three year old Carroll Scherber.  I gave him my memory of who I am.  That is all I have left, Satan Scherber tells me as he places in memory of who I am as a child within myself.  I placed it in my seven year old self.  I get beaten up on this astral plane when I play these games with Beelzebub.  I now play these games as a boy who fondly remembers a caped crusader.

My heart tears as the angel’s memory tore from his soul.  The emotion of this child is a pleasant one; For, he sought righteousness in a man who wore a cape and a cowl.  The memory pains me; For, he gave up something because of love.  The compassion we hold as children is great.  Now I must seek out and defend who I am within a cape and cowl.  For, the emblem I wear is that of a Batman.

Children seek out heroes.  Heroes are a light for those who seek out righteousness.

My emotions flair like his cape flairs through the wind.

Thursday, March 26, 2015


On:  ScrabbleBinxy.Blogspot.com
Author:  Carroll Scherber
Created:  March 26, 2015

Remember, I love you says Lucifer Scherber.  The emotion of love fills my heart, as a father loves a son, after Lucifer Scherber tells me.

Get me out of here, Lucifer says as he takes off to the bathroom!

That’s too much emotion for me, Lucifer tells Beelzebub.

Here’s some lotion for ya, as Scrabble passes him some lotion!

What’s that for, Binxy asks?

That is so you can put your love in motion, Satan tells him!

That’s an emotion I can’t play with, Lucifer says!

We all play these games in emotion.  So, when an animal hands you a towel then put your emotions in love because love is an emotion just as a flower inside the barrel of a rifle.

Here’s you towel, Lucifer yells to Satan as he throws him the towel!

That’s one for Social Media, says Beelzebub to me!

I don’t understand all this Social Media, says John Lennon.

That’s how we stay connected, says my coloring book.

It is like the connection between the stem of a flower and the barrel of a rifle, I tell John Lennon.

That’s awfully deep for them, says the weasel who played a game with a mongoose in a home full of mice and a large gorilla.

The connection is no deeper than the stem to the base of the barrel.  The connection starts at the base of the stem to the opening of a barrel.  The connection comes from when a fair maiden stands before a soldier who holds a weapon of destruction.  The connection ends when the fair maiden releases herself from the flower which holds its own connection.  When the connection stops in when the flower has bloomed.

The animal kingdom plays a game and shows me an astral plane of their backsides and say, there is no barrel in my flower as their backsides wag back-and-forth!

Now Honey, I have a stem for your flower because I am no more than just a daisy in your field, I tell them with a sense of humor as their tails wag.

Connections start and stop as battles start and wage as families are torn apart by the animals who dance in the garden where the maiden has chosen to pick the flower.

There’s that word again!  Chosen, says Lucifer!

Connections bloom as connections die, connections flourish as connections are torn from the…

Friday, March 13, 2015

Sunglasses on Faces

On:  ScrabbleBinxy.Blogspot.com
Author:  Carroll Scherber
Created:  March 13, 2015

I think a certain animal forgot to put his sunglasses on his faces, I say to Scrabble.

You mean, he is the animal who is supposed to wear the sunglasses asks Scrabble as he passes sunglasses to Binxy.

How am I supposed to keep these sunglasses on my faces, asks Binxy as he places the sunglasses on his faces?

You tie a thread to the tentacles of the sunglasses, says ScrabbleBinxy as he ties a string to the tentacles!

Ouch, says the octopus!

Now my sunglasses are tied to my faces, says Binxy!  All I see is my irises, he shouts to Scrabble and ScrabbleBinxy!

That’s because Baby, those are mirrored sunglasses on your faces says John Lennon!

I got sunglasses on my faces, yells Binxy through the animal kingdom!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Sibling Rivalry

On:  ScrabbleBinxy.Blogspot.com
Author:  Carroll Scherber
Created:  March 12, 2015


These three lose too much information when they play each other for the fool, says BinxyScrabble.

When brothers play each other as a fool they tear each other apart as sibling rivalries do.  When we tear each other apart we have a tendency to lose our heads.  When we lose our heads we have a tendency to forget who we are.

Friends, family and relatives all argue.  When we argue we have a tendency to lose our heads.  When we lose our heads regain your thoughts, become friends, family and allies.  When we do these things together we do these things together.  Never let others dictate to you as to who you are, as to what is right and wrong, and as to how you should live your life.  Your life is yours to lead, guide and control.  Let others guide you, let others lead you and let others dictate to you what you should say and do.  Take control of your life and destination, and leave others behind where others may follow.

Be a guiding hand, be a helping hand, be there for others and be there where others are not.  A friend once told me, be there.  I am not here for you; my heart is here for all of you.  I feel your compassion when other may feel you compassion.  Compassion is felt through the Kingdom of Heaven.

When a man dies for your sins his compassion is felt with the hearts of our Holy Father, Jesus Christ and now Carroll Scherber.

When a man’s heart feels your compassion; he weeps.  A weeping heart is a heart which carries the burden of our families.  Our families are our burden.  They carry with them a torch which lights the night, it lights the way, it lights the truth and it lights them within our hearts.  The glow is everlasting, it is radiant and it is warming.  The glow shall be eternal, the glow shall be forever and the glow shall radiate the skies, our faces and the sun.

When I say, Amen; I say, the same to you.

Wherefore, art thou love?  Wherefore, art thou compassion?  (Interruption.)

(Interruption story: to be inserted later)

(After interruption.)  Wherefore, art thou valor?

Love is contrived to be a feeling from the heart.  Love is to an emotion.  Love is to be a state of the mind.  When all three are in play our love is our love for each other, for our families and for our friends.

Compassion is to heartfelt.