On: ScrabbleBinxy.Blogspot.com
Author: Carroll Scherber
Author: Carroll Scherber
Created: January 26, 2014
Revised: July 16, 2016
July 24, 2020
Revised: July 16, 2016
July 24, 2020

Where Do We Stand?
I know
this story has taken some leaps and bounds to draw your attention to the
darkest side of harassment and how our society can badly beat, bruise, possess,
coerce, force, inflict harm, damage and destroy one singular extraordinary
human life who has genuinely done no wrong accept to be accepted by those who
do and do not identify with him. The
maltreatment of others is something I endeavor never to execute intentionally
or wrongfully. There are those which
lend contacts cruelly and poorly and there are those who seek out the
destruction of one’s identity; I have merely cared or taken regard for those
who are within my presence either far-distant in character or those who may be
assured of oneself. I am a caretaker at heart with a cognizance of
those with who may not identify with themselves as easily as they are to judge
others; thus, denoting the significance behind USNdaddy.
Where do
we stand? Do we unite with those who may
lie, cheat or steal; do we lay down like dogs and cats or stand upon all fours
and speak aloud? Do we roar like lions,
or cower like mice; do we stand upon our two feet as Homo sapiens for the weak,
the helpless, the strong, the autonomous, the blind-sided or maybe someone
known to have played a “Snitch”?
appears there is a portion of society that is supposed to unite as community of
brotherly love and understanding, which may have abandoned their outskirts of
San Francisco or their hometowns containing the persecution of the outcasts,
the curious, the estranged, the misfits and the misunderstood beings which
reside either as your neighbor or your companion. We can imagine we have converged together to
unite as friends or foes, neighbors, “family”
or families either heterosexual or homosexual into tranquil and safe haven
community of members with a uniqueness and quality of its own which can be
defined by its individuals living in either a single abode, or as roommates,
tenants or partnerships. As individual
human beings, not animals…but, as mammals,
we are striving to find a kinship, a bond, a unified cohesiveness to the
madness which may have torn us apart and drove us to a destination of beauty,
tranquility and harmony where the skyline meets the mountain range and the
oasis characterizes the palms which tower above our lawns and shade our pools
of glory.
and when do we account for our values and actions? Dishonesty does not equate to integrity,
truthfulness and honor! Do we respect
our uniqueness, our qualities, our virtues, our traits and our merits; or do we
discharge and disrepute these characteristics which others may deem worthy
within themselves or as other loved ones may see them? Do our loved ones see us for who we are or who
we have become, do they still perceive us as a child, an adolescent, or as an
adult; do they negate our independence and eccentricity or do they allow us to
become the adult men and women they want and trained us to be? Do “we” even acknowledge as to who “we” truly
are; such as, what are our qualities, virtues, traits of life, and our merits
which we stand upon? Do you identify
with your own characteristics first, or do we allow others to define us? Are our decision we make in life our
decisions, or are we allowing other members of our families, our extended
family members, our friends, our acquaintances, our neighbors, our enemies, our
allies, our intruders or even our evaders to make those decisions for us?
As I was
growing up, family members made several decisions for me which most parents and
family members do because they want the best for their brothers, sisters,
children, nieces and nephews. Providing
a direction, fields of study are known as “Jack-of-All-Trades” and a
“Master-of-None.” It is my belief, my
parents may have gone too far in their decisions as to which field of study I
should have skilled myself in rather than guiding me into on specific field of
study, “following in their footsteps.” I
guess this is a bit of irony due to my mother herself is a
“Jack-of-All-Trades;” where my father, Norbert, was an Engineer, and my
stepfather, Edward, was an Operating Engineer.
I struggled for many years as the colloquialism goes “to find one’s
self;” I would rather think of as struggling to identify with oneself. To “identify with one’s self” is to know
through-and-through as to “who we truly
are.” Around Junior High or Middle
School, we start learning inside a classroom to find out who we are as boys and
girls; or as my LinkedIn page states these days, “Who Am I”! The Summary reads:
Am I?
am a confident and reliable “Unique” source in Project Management. My technique is a viable, seamless marriage
between a clear informative voice of communication between companies, vendors
and clients. Blended with a pragmatic
inventive business solutions mind-set, creating a successful “team vibrancy”
that engages while empowering one unique instinctive voice in today’s
oscillating market place.
in a multi-dimensional data exchange, and using a skillset that possess an
excellent work strategy in complex problem solving, confident judgment credited
by my personal conviction established doctrine which reinforced by my military
achievements; allowing my decision-making abilities direct a successful
business and corporate campaign.
Microsoft Suite synchronizing a strong operating communication standard,
generating one “ever moving forward” identifiable network format.
and identifying insufficiencies and inefficiencies in customer service, web and
database content, practical application, and business operations. My keen eye for detail; and an analytical
aptitude for synchronizing human processes, that deconstruct the chaos of
complexity resulting in one clarified technological cornerstone.
like the dogma of “Herding Cats[i]”. The goal here is simple and structured. A chaos-free ever winding road of our
expression…with one discernible voice…tumbleweeds (optional)! :)
Now that
you have read through my summary, you are probably questioning how does this
apply to “Where do we stand.” With a
friends assistance[ii],
he and I collaborated on how this should read due to he had an insight as to
what I was trying to express in order to obtain an occupational career. We normally start our resumes with an
objective statement starting with the word, “Objective;” I decided to change
this word to make my objective identify more closely with who I am as an
individual reading, “Who Am I”! This goal statement uniquely illustrates who
I am in a career choice; conversely, it does not completely round out who I am
as an educated individual, or who I am in my personal life.
I am
utmost never embarrassed to be the mammal I am.
As a mammal, I can associate from right and wrong; and disassociate my
personal life from my professional one.
Consequently, I am never ashamed of who I am and who I’ve become. My life is different today than it was three
years ago, to seven years ago; from the start of these stories of my life as it
will be from now to eternity. My eternal
life has already been chosen, and my “Coloring
Book” has
already been written and is in constantly changing due to my life here on this
earth has not ended as of yet; it has restarted after death. I may have come to a pause on several
occasions, once when I was four years of age, once when I was twenty-four years
of age, once when I was forty-seven years and then once again at
forty-eight. This may seem too many
times for one individual to have lose his life and to have come back from
either the unconscious or the unrecoverable.
That time when I was only four years of age, I was unconscious for three
minutes. At twenty-four, due to a major
car accident, I was unconscious for six minutes; in medical terms this was the
last moments of brain activity to sustain the human body. With the smothering at forty-seven, my
unconsciousness lasted for five minutes.
And, lastly, with my overdose at the age of forty-eight, my death lasted
for two hours and three minutes. These
men and women who have been overseen the PANDORA Effect say it is not possible
to come back from death and I would have only to have been unconscious. What they neglect to admit, is that they knew
I took the sixty tablets of fifty milligrams of Trazodone with one pint of
water; which would have left me for dead.
How you I know I was dead? Because
sixty tablets of Trazodone will cause one to bleed out by the chemical reaction
of the medication opening all your capillaries throughout your body. How I arose from death itself is still a
mystery to them who control the PANDORA Effect.
These individuals in control of the PANDORA Effect have a record, an
audio log and memory video log, indicating they attempted to save my life
during the time of the overdose. So, if
they have these audio and video logs, why don’t they believe me or their own
data records where I was legally dead lying upon a public restroom floor inside
a rest area? What do they believe
in? Obviously, it is not themselves,
their data, the one who may have tried to save my life, or the one that
actually committed the suicide. Is their
belief or intelligence undermined by their ignorance? What is the depth of their ignorance; do they
even postulate or fathom the gravity of their own intelligence, not even
considering the knowledge pool of individual creatures they are, or animal
kingdoms they have created utilizing USNdaddy’s personal Animal Kingdom, Scrabble
and Binxy? The animal kingdoms which were
created by individuals by naming other individuals either Scrabble or Binxy could
not postulate the gravity of their own actions which lead to terrorism of an
individual which lead the individual into committing suicide.
In the
summer of two-thousand and twenty-twelve the terrorism started when the Lieutenant
Lisa Hamilton John Anderson realized through this form of communication, under the PANDORA
Effect, that I would not submit to being brainwashed due to I grew up with the
knowledge of brainwashing within my family.
My mother is educated in the field of Social Work where her occupation
takes her into these fields and homes on a daily basis. Within the field of her major, Social Work, Psychology
and Sociology are prevalent. These fields deal in methods of how individuals are
brainwashed. A military technician also challenges
oneself or another within the group.
I also
studied Sociology and Psychology as part of my curriculum in obtaining my
Bachelor’s degree as most of us would have.
What Lieutenant Officer John Hamilton fails to realize is that there are other
intelligent persons, mammals, in the world beside those who she he deems worthy of
her his intellect. She He failed to ask the “Very Important Questions;” she he utterly
believes in the “Big Fat Lies.” The lack of truth which was divulged through
her his own relative, John Lisa Hamilton,
and those he is associated with, John Gibbons.
This equipment was contracted for the Riverside County Sheriff’s and
Rancho Mirage Police Departments of Coachella Valley. If you don’t know which cities make up the
Coachella Valley community, they are the West Valley made of Palm Springs,
Cathedral City and sometimes Cabazon, and formerly called Down Valley which became
Mid Valley for Rancho Mirage, Palm Desert and Indian Wells; and later East
Valley for Indio, Coachella and unincorporated towns farther down, but now
called South Valley which includes La Quinta, and nowadays, North Valley for
Desert Hot Springs and unincorporated areas surrounding them[iii].
With a principal
understanding of Sociology and Psychology and how they function together, I can
derive the behavioral aspects of what they were aspiring to accomplish with the
PANDORA Effect in creating a better soldier through forms of brainwashing and
terrorism. If you haven’t seen the
movie, “Men Who Stare at Goats,” you
may want to take the opportunity to do so; it brings to light an example of
what our government is aiming to accomplish through the PANDORA Effect. Looking at the definitions of these terms,
Brainwashing, Psychology, Sociology and Terrorism; we learn that:
1: A forcible indoctrination to induce someone
to give up basic political, social, or religious beliefs and attitudes and to
accept contrasting regimented ideas
2: Persuasion by propaganda or salesmanship
1: The science of mind and behavior
2a: The mental or behavioral characteristics of
an individual or group
b: The study of mind and behavior in relation
to a particular field of knowledge or activity
1: The
science of society, social institutions, and social relationships;
specifically: the systematic study of
the development, structure, interaction, and collective behavior of organized
groups of human beings
2: The scientific analysis of a social
institution as a functioning whole and as it relates to the rest of society
1: the systematic use of terror especially as a
means of coercion
1: a state of intense fear
2a: one
that inspires fear: scourge
b: a frightening aspect <the terrors of
c: a cause of anxiety : worry
d: an appalling person or thing; especially
: brat
3: violent or destructive acts (as bombing)
committed by groups in order to intimidate a population or government into
granting their demands <insurrection and revolutionary terror>
Now that
we have the definitions for these terms, we apply the PANDORA Effect to
them. I have pulled some additional
information on Electromagnetic Weaponry to aid you in an understanding of how
can be applied to terrorism.
The Ultimate Weapon
weapons operate at the speed of light; they can kill, torture and enslave; but
the public are largely unaware that they exist, because these weapons operate
by stealth and leave no physical evidence.
Electromagnetic weapons have been tested on human beings since 1976. By widely dispersing the involuntary human
test-subjects, and vehemently attacking their credibility, it has been possible
for the United States to proceed with these human experiments unhindered by
discussions or criticisms, let alone opposition. This ultimate weapon system is currently
being deployed in Iraq. The US Air Force
and the Marine Corps refer to it as “active denial technology”, as if it were
used purely for defense, but it is not.
Reading Brain Waves and Mind Control
1959, Saul B. Sells, a professor of social psychology at a minor US university
submitted a proposal to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to build for them
the most sophisticated electroencephalography machine that would have an
integral computational capacity to analyze and, hopefully, make sense of the
brain waves it recorded. In other words,
the professor proposed to make a machine that could tell the CIA what a person
was thinking, whether or not the person wished to disclose that information.
Converting Sound to Microwaves
experimental patent, Apparatus for Audibly Communicating Speech Using the Radio
Frequency Hearing Effect, is for an improved version of the apparatus used in
the 1973 laboratory experiment, issued on July 1, 2003 and assigned to the
Secretary of the Air Force. It provides
scientific evidence that it is possible to hear threatening voices in one’s
head without suffering from paranoid schizophrenia.
has this patent been published openly at a time when the US Government is
practicing a degree of secrecy that rivals Stalin’s Kremlin? I have no
satisfactory answer, except to say that the apparatus in the patent has already
been superseded by equipment that achieves the same effect by far more
sophisticated means. It blocks the
normal processes of memory and thought by remote electronic means, while at the
same time supplying false, distorted and/or unpleasant memories and suggestions
by means of a process called “synthetic telepathy”. The equipment that produces synthetic
telepathy is sometimes referred to as “influence technology”. While voices and visions, daydreams and
nightmares are the most astonishing manifestations of this weapon system, it is
also capable of crippling the human subject by limiting his/her normal range of
movement, causing acute pain the equivalent of major organ failure or even
death, and interfering with normal functioning of any of the human senses. In other words, any of the tortures with
which the words Guantanamo Bay have become synonymous can be achieved by
remote, electronic means.
Instruments of Torture
technology is also capable of persuading the subjects that their mind is being
read, that their intellectual property is being plundered, and can even
motivate suicide or the murder of family, friends, and co-workers.
1 March 2001, the Marine Corps announced a new non-lethal weapon, “active
denial technology”.
produces enormous pain by allegedly boiling the molecules of water in the human
skin without damaging the skin itself. As
described in an article published in New Scientist, it employs pulsed electromagnetic
radiation at a frequency of 95 GHz with a range of about 600 meters. There have been several new reports in the
magazine in 2005, including one published in July, describing volunteers taking
part in tests to determine how safe the Active Denial System (ADS) weapon would
be if used in real crowd-control. The
ADS weapon’s beam was reported to cause pain within 2 to 3 seconds, and becomes
“intolerable after less than 5 seconds”.
countries, such as Israel have developed “The Scream,” which are deterrents for
rioting crowds.
U.S. Army is dedicating millions of
research dollars into discovering building helmets to allow soldiers to
telepathically communicate with one another on the battlefield. The technology would use electrodes to pick
up code words that soldiers were thinking.
Those code words would then be transmitted back to a computer where the
soldier's position and message telling, for instance, that it is safe to
progress towards a target- which would be transmitted to their peers in the
field. Rumors that Army intelligence was
determined to use mind control technology to their advantage have been milling
around for decades, and have been shrouded in a mix of truth and fiction.
hearing is a phenomenon, described by human observers, as, the sensation of
buzzing, ticking, hissing, or knocking sounds that originate within or
immediately behind the head. There is no
sound propagating through the air like normal sound. This technology in its crudest form could be
used to distract individuals; if refined, it could also be used to communicate
with hostages or hostage takers directly by Morse code or other message
systems, possibly even by voice communication.
phenomenon is tunable in that the characteristic sounds and intensities of
those sounds depend on the characteristics of the RF energy as delivered. Because the frequency of the sound heard is
dependent on the pulse characteristics of the RF energy, it seems possible that
the technology could be developed to the point where words could be transmitted
to be heard like the spoken word, except that it could only be heard within the
person’s head. In one experiment,
communication of the worlds from one to ten using “speech modulated” microwave
energy was successfully demonstrated. Microphones
next to the person experiencing the voice could not pick up the sound. Additional development of this would open up
a wide range of possibilities.
Possible Influence
on Subject(s)[xiii]:
of the microwave hearing technology could facilitate a private massage
transmission. It may be useful to
provide a disruptive condition to a person not aware of the technology. Not only might it be disruptive to the sense
of hearing, it could be psychologically devastating if on suddenly heard
“voices within one’s head.”
horror of these applications can be applied to psychology and sociology to
influence individuals into doing things which they would not normally do, as I
have spoken of this previously. To
terrorize an individual for an experimental test experiment can be devastating
to them when they are not advised as to the circumstances of the
experiment. The exacerbating issues
surrounding this experiment is where I was the only one excluded from the
knowledge of this experiment; thus, leading to a fragment of this fairy’s tale where
USNdaddy is being played as the fool.
I was
terrorized in various forms throughout this entire project, which I’ll go into
detail a bit later. These individuals
used this form of electromagnetic radio frequencies to manipulate this man to
the extreme which pushed and shoved him into an arrest record which I am trying
to have expunged. These individuals not
only had me arrested on one occasion but on six. How many times can one human being be
arrested and taken into custody for another’s self-gratification, lust, spite,
prevarications, anguish, experimentation, identity theft, internet tampering,
rape, smothering and murder? When one is
Clairaudient, one is sensitive to these electromagnetic radio and microwave
frequencies. I can detect the frequency
levels such as you would use an equalizer to balance the sound through your
stereo equipment; so, no matter what the sensitivity level is set at, I can
hear that frequency and identify the decibel and Hertz.
back to “Where do we stand,” or where
do you stand; do we stand on the “right”
side of justice or on the “left” side-of-the-law? What is your definition of the “right” side of justice? Is it your local police or sheriff’s station,
your US Government or is it your local community; or, can it be your Holy
Bible? If it is your Holy Bible and you
are a defendant or a witness to the courts, you would place your left hand upon
the Holy Bible and raise your right hand toward the heavens; and swear to tell
the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God. You are not technically swearing to tell the
truth in court, the judge, to your attorney, the prosecuting attorney, the jury
or even to your peers; subsequently, you are swearing to tell the truth to God,
the Lord Almighty. So, when we raise our
left hand and place our right hand over our heart, we are swearing to tell a lie
from time to time. We reflect on the
times we stop and pause to take our hats off and place our right hand over our
hearts to Pledge the Allegiance to Our American Flag to denote our allegiance
to our country, our fellowman and to those how have sacrificed their lives for
their fellowman and their country.
when we allow and tolerate those who bully, intimate and torment others into
playing a game, having them arrested for another’s behaviour without
questioning the background of the information or the facts surrounding the events
which the game was created or to have one sacrifice themselves because they believe
it is just a game to play one man as the fool.
What type of “Fool” are they
playing? Is the “Fool” to be a sexual bottom to have others take part in your
vulnerability, an in-custody prisoner, be victim of identity theft and raided
of one’s privacy, personal information and computerized data; or, a human life
to sacrifice as Abraham was directed by God to sacrifice Abraham’s beloved son Isaac
only to realize that my life was of no significance to those who wanted to play
me for the fool.
Genesis 22:1-2, Revised Standard Version:
these things God tested Abraham, and said to him, ‘Abraham!’ And he said, ‘Here
am I.’ He said, ‘Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to
the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering upon one of the
mountains of which I shall tell you’."
Where do
I stand? I stand upon my two feet, my
ideals, my ideas, my honor, my honesty, my respect, my forthrightness, my
dignity, my heroism and my pride; nonetheless, my friends, my allies and even my
foes. To allow those who deny you and to
seize these type of possessions; then you are letting go of those belongings which
define your attributes and character. I
feel compassion for those who have wronged me; nevertheless, can I forgive
those who have wronged me. I suffer the
burden of those I had to imprison for their own behaviour, actions and
indignity against USNdaddy’s “Everybody Plays the Man as a Fool”. I speak of heroism, bravery, and courage to
dismantle and humiliate those animals and governments which have so wrongly humiliated,
dishonored, violated and oppressed your USNdaddy. I bring forth a new light, a new
interpretation, a new hope and a new life to those who live in darkness and
disgrace. My valor sets me apart from my
tormentors, from those who murdered me in torment to suicide, to take a knife
to my throat or to overdose on a prescribed medication to aid me in my days of
weariness and torture. My roar matches
my hearing and my sight which is equivalent to my sensitivity, my heart; my
life is of value and merit and is an asset to others for those who wish to
truly know me; For, I am the lionhearted. I sometimes resemble a zebra which has white
and black stripes; for me, there is only the grey between the black and white
stripes. To know me is to have your name
known; you have value and life!
USAINSCOM FOI/PA, Auth Para 4-102 DOD 5200.1R, Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal
Weapons (fn 1), page 6
USAINSCOM FOI/PA, Auth Para 4-102 DOD 5200.1R, Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal
Weapons (fn 1), page 7
USAINSCOM FOI/PA, Auth Para 4-102 DOD 5200.1R, Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal
Weapons (fn 1), page 8
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