Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Homeless, Section 4

Author:  Carroll Scherber
Created:  July 23, 2014

The Homeless, Section 4

As the blades of the grass grows from underneath the warmth of our backs, the earth moves with the weight of those who have caught the rising sun where the animals have either traveled either on foot, on animal or on transport, we gaze in to the sky viewing the possibilities of a future where a skyline of prosperity will offer riches and fulfillment so we can leave the fields of despair which have brought us vision to yield a growth in workforce.  As the blades of grass pierce our backsides, so do the words and writings of rejection.  We spend all day contemplating a new beginning, managing our resources, and building the bravery to face a world where progress can be achieved from a person who sees a world in a different light.  The light can either be dark or it can be as bright as the Northern Star because these are the hours we begin our journeys though the lands to achieve our own freedom where the ties that we left behind on a land and within the fields where we have toiled to ensure the prosperity of our future, and which has expanded before us and is now beginning to shrinks underneath the soles of our feet, because within these hours we travel in droves to ensure the land is fertile and abundant.  If the land is not fertile or abundant then growth is impossible.  And, if growth is impossible then the wasteland for which we are standing upon is dead and so is the workforce which has aided you in cleaning the grounds for which you have littered.

The grounds which you have left to waste are the grounds where we bring you fortune, growth, abundance, and progress.  The waste which we bring you is the resource for which we have built your homes, your buildings, your businesses, your fields, your lands, your territories, your walls, your barriers, your ships, and your containers for which we drink a wealth of egotism.  With today’s words we have chosen the word, “Recyclable.”  As a labor of homeless are we not as equally recyclable?  As a “Recyclable” human workforce, we are equally as gifted and knowledgeable in a labor force of individuals who have accomplished wonders prior to you achieving your success and wealth.  Within a wealth of labor the hands that come to your for achievement are trained, skilled, competent, proficient, clever, and manageable, but above all we are a labor force which is useful to an environment and can achieve wondrous things from a hand that delivered to those who may have had a time of crisis or need.  We examine various land far across the continents whose nation’s labor force is its national resource and whose population exceeds ours six times over.  Our nation is constantly working and so is its workers; it does not matter if you are employed or not employed, gaining an income or living off the wealth of the land.  We constantly working.  We move in directions that man never thought possible, we shift from forward to reverse, we toss and we turn, we stand on our heads or we stand upon our two feet, because when we are down upon all fours, we are down upon all fours in servitude of mankind. 

When we are upon all fours serving mankind, then we bear the weight of the animal which brings us either up or down as a libation equally does.  Being a part of the homeless society, we bear the weight of mankind for mankind has become the animal in the fields where we sow our seed for harvest and fertilization.  We travel the wasteland seeking fertilization for employment, but destination is impossible without opportunity.  Opportunity in a market which still seeks recovery can then be called a game of chance; because, chance is the game we take.  In the game of chance, on a job market which has yet to fully recover is still a game of chance; the chances of obtaining a position is in the hand of your fellowman.  The field of opportunity where animals have traveled and man bore the backside of society, we gamble to succeed in a market which takes chances on money but not on manpower.  Manpower is the animal you seek to provide you servitude, whether servitude either come a minimum wage or at a high salary; we all seek out some form of denomination.  Inside the homeless society, your recyclable can equal your denomination; whereas, your hand that shakes above the ground where your feet tremble can equal a doorway which was lead from a pathway from doorway-to-doorway.

As a part of the human race and as part of the “Recyclable” community, through one out and buy a new, our homeless society takes more than an equal part in how we are recycled.  The opportunities become limited due to various reason and circumstances.  Some circumstances come from self-gain, some come from egotism, some come from harassment, some come from an injustice, some come from a disability, some come from company closures, some come from a lack of knowledge and training, some come from extended period of unemployment, some come from changes in resume formatting and what people which to see, and some come from the lack of attention that others which to give to those who may be in need of an opportunity where chance and luck can open a doorway to a new pathway from where an existence seemed unlikely.  Circumstances are the roadways we take to seek out a new frontier, and where the new frontier is the horizon which is unforeseen.  The unforeseen circumstance is a journey to the frontier which brings us in the forefront of mankind; whereas, the pathway which leads to the doorway is an open doorway to man and a circumstance to a frontier which brings us to a new horizon.

Within the new horizon is a frontier of man, women and circumstance; because without man, without woman, circumstances cannot be created and opportunities cannot be achieved.  We all strive to be better than what we are; but, the doorways seem always closed.  Inside a laboring workforce, mankind is on a pathway to achievement where a new horizon can be foreseen, and a homeless man or woman can be the succession to your unexpected future.  The unexpected future in unknown as to when, how, or why a change is coming.  With an unexpected future a man or woman who had become or is in a homeless situation can take the time to see a future where mankind can achieve the most un-likeliest of obstacles.  The most un-likeliest of obstacles are to bring one’s self out of poverty to the richest of men; the richest of men may not be in wealth but may be in its fellow mankind.  Riches may come from means of gambling to means of gaining employment after training, riches may come from the soil from where we toiled all day under the suns lava rays which bake the skin from which was torn by the labor of our sweat and thirst of our mouths, or the riches may come from mankind itself where we lead another into a succession of achievements.

When achievements have no pathways, then the pathways bring no riches; and the doorways which are to open and not to close have riches for all to share, where the sharing is an endeavor for one to excel and soar for the flight is in our achievement and triumph.  When we share our riches the triumph can be achieved gracefully and without embarrassment; where the embarrassment comes from is from those who chose to walk away from the sight which sets before them, because that sight could be their reflection as they passed by a man or woman for whom they have chosen not to lend assistance.  When lending assistance mankind improve one’s existence on a frontier which holds a new horizon; and, each man and woman can boldly go where no man has gone before into a future where homelessness has been abolished as equally as we have abolished slavery.  For the equality of mankind seems to come in paycheck, and where denomination is our status and our education is our norm.  The education that you may see on a resume may not equate to the education and training that equates to the trade for which one labors on hour-less days where sweat and perspiration have transpired.  The qualification of your degree may not match the qualifications of your degree, but, your degree may include the calculations and a skill which required on-hands training.  Our degree differs by the psychology, sociology, the character, the direction, and interaction of individuals or persons.  The concentrations require labor extensive ours, but also require the insight, the background, the development, and the interactions between individuals or persons; because, mankind also or by itself cannot build, grow, or mature when one is by itself.  Each person must have an animal, a man or a woman to interact with society, a community, a neighborhood, or a home; when we are standing alone in the field which arose from the desert we find a vast land worthy of development.

As we develop the land we want to call home to build our homestead we find that it becomes labor intensive and the land becomes defined by our labor; our labor is the work of our hand which is torn by the tools we use to ensure the soil is fruitful.  As we work the land, we stop and find that the land may be in need of more tools to turn the soil, to lift the trees which we have laid to the ground and removed it greenery for mulch and packing, to hoist the logs upon a foundation to construct a home where I can raise a roof to build a shelter cover me from the storm, the wind, the rain, the heat, the moisture, and from the dry air which evaporates the sweat from my leathered skin; we then seek out an animal kingdom which will aid us in our construction of our home and the harvesting of the land.  We have turned the soil from which the oxen, mules and horse have turned, we have constructed a figure made from a resource from the land we settled, and we have harvested the earth to produce a resource which an abundance is required; the homestead which is surrounded by earth, soil, gravel, trees, brushes, shrubs and contains water for which our bodies require to produce the sweat of our labor which bring us our riches and wealth.

Upon the land now resides a home, how many bedrooms, how many bathroom, how many kitchens, and how many living spaces does not really matter; it is a settlement where I can shelter myself and my animal kingdom from the storm, reap my harvest feed my cattle, horses, mules and myself, and relax from a day’s worth of labor because I have built my workforce upon a land where a nation will shelter mankind and bring forth a wife, a child or children, and an animal kingdom where a dog and cat shall be called Scrabble and Binxy.  Upon this land contains my riches where my choice in my decisions shall be made and heard, where the choices of my decisions become my own, and my mistakes become my pitfalls; the choices my of where my animal kingdom make are their choice for the cattle lay down with the cattle, and horses and mules lay down with each other.  Scrabble and Binxy are of a different animal kingdom however the choice and decisions are theirs to make; whereas, their behaviour is monitored by their owner.  I am my own animal kingdom and inside my animal kingdom reside a woman, a man and a child, and the decisions we make are the choices which will lead us into a new frontier of prosperity and warmth.  For I once was homeless, without a home, nonetheless I now a place where the warmth of my heart can grow and bring hope into the future of mankind.

I have now created a pathway within my home where doorways lead to places lead to a furnishings, and furnishings lead to comfort.  When the furnishings are gone they become “Recyclables,” and where do we recycle the “Recyclables”?  Upon a wasteland to ensure a homeland can remain fertile to ensure the regeneration of earth and the land can reproduce the losses of its resources; because, if the waste of mankind cannot be renew then the revitalization of ground where we place our two feet and the animals place their four feet, mankind will vanish and turn upon themselves as wolves have turned on man.  If man has created a pathway in his home, then a man can create a roadway to bring forth labor.  I roadway can bring from labor, then a doorway has lend itself to an opening where a workforce then is created.  The creation of labor had lent itself to the development of training and education; where training and education has lent itself to the nutriment of leadership and guidance of mankind upon the lands which will flourish on a nation underneath a Northern Star, where light can be found in the darkest of the nights.

Upon the roadways in the darkest of nights and an animal kingdom now resides under the trees, the shrubs and bushes, mankind hides from the animals that close the openings to the doorways which brought the animal down a pathway to wealth and growth, harvest of knowledge, the invention of change, and the transformation of a society to revolutionize a future of “Recyclable” men, women, and animals.  A new society can be born in an animal kingdom where mankind will rule the earth to discover that as “Recyclable” men and women, man can change, alter and transform, for a man or woman of means to a man or woman of modest living to a man and woman of poverty; mankind can evolve from animal and amend a nations worth of homeless men and women into a livable society which would welcome them and strengthen them so they may discover not only themselves but their fellowman.  Not all men and women are suited for the workforce environment, but wouldn't it be great if we could find a place where their hopes and dreams could come true just as our pride runs through our constitution and the colors of our nation’s flag.  These men and women still provide a workforce full of labor because their experiences may not equal our own; however, their skills can become ours, whereas, our skill can become theirs.

Their society now where equivalent to a society of those who may have their own homestead or development; nonetheless, their society can become our society.  They travel within our society sometimes unnoticed and sometimes with hand to offer; within their travel they travel on foot, on bus or by thumb.  These men and women may not deserve fair treatment, some have not evolved from their animalistic nature, some may only be seeking temporary housing to shelter themselves from the turmoil that has befell them, and some may need aid to ensure their disability can be governed either by another or by themselves.  Fair treatment is deserved by all who come before us; we do not impart fairness to all whether mankind be of a society of homeless men and women to a society of lower class citizens to a society of middle class inhabitants to a society of upper class highbrow ordinary men and women.  We all view each other differently, we all view each other the same; we don’t see each other for who we truly are whether it be through our education, our mannerisms, our statue, our walk, our character, our demeanor, or through our pocket book or wallets.  We see a man, we see a woman, we see each other, we don’t see each other; we may sit across from you, we may sit next to you, we may sit alone or we may sit at different tables, but what we don’t see is person for whom we have created in the mirrors of each other’s lives.

I may reside within a homeless society, I may reside in my car, I may reside in the home of my parents or relatives, or I may reside behind a shrub, a bush, or underneath a trees where my belongings are carefully place in a cart which may have carried your child and groceries; what matters is that I deserve fair treatment as you deserve the same.  I have traveled upon the soles of my feet and have torn the leather from my soles, I have broken my laces where I have left the threads to leave a trail of my remembrance, and/or I may have left my shirt upon the road where many have traveled just as I have donated my trousers to those who may be in need; I have created pathways for horizons for others to follow, I have prospered where others will flourish, and I have endeavored to bring you into a future where the homeless will pursue your aid.  I have struggled to find myself, I have committed a grave infraction, I have become a man who foresee change in society where other have discarded their human waste upon land I have to obtain shelter, and I have become a man who will bring the future to you whether it be in my writing or within heart because my head has brought my hand to the paper to provide you thought where food can thrive.

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