Monday, September 29, 2014

Apology Posting

Author:  Carroll Scherber
Created:  September 29, 2014

Apology Posting

I sit here and hear the sounds of the Angels call my name.  I sit here and hear the voice of our citizens call my name.  I sit here and hear those who talk about things which they did not want to speak of before.  I sit here and I write an apology to a man face an officer who appeared as he did.  I sit here and I write an apology to man who faced prison time.  I sit here and I write to a man, to a city, to a county, to a state and to a nation who deserves an apology for pointing a finger to the wrong individual.  Yes, I did faced myself within the glass which hold my reflection.  The glass is clear as the Clearasil which cleanses my face.  The names are similar where the names are different; yet, the faces are the same where the faces are different.  The fingers are the same where the fingers are not the same; because, the finger that holds the man or woman are different.

Each finger pointer is different where each finger they point does something the same.  Each hand holds a finger where each person carries a fist; for, we were not born with for feet.  We are still animals waiting in the fields where cactus, palms and water grow.  So, as to what we choose to do with our fingers whether it be tearing at the meat of our faces or tearing at the meat of another’s faces; we are still tearing at the hide of the animal which bears a marking, whether it be on a finger or on our faces where in the mirror these things are visible to everyone who either sits or stands there either in front or behind, or who sit or stand there with us.  Each finger and each face bears a markings and as to whether how noticeable the markings are they are still markings of a man or woman which makes us different in each other’s eyes as we peer into the mirror.  Where each mirror is held either hung on a wall or lays on a slant, each mirror holds our images and imaginations; each mirrors holds our trues and our lies and as to how we chose to use these images are determined be our heads where our hands lay within yours and where our hearts lay beating in our chest as to the anguish or disgust we hold for each other.

Therefore, I must make an adjustment as to whom I pointed a finger.  As time has moved forward so have the revelations as to who assaulted and smothered me; only to find that more people were involved than I thought.  There were those who recorded images of my smothering, there were those who opened a VPN (Virtual Private Network), there were those who opened an internet site and there were those who sat back and masturbated while enjoying the erotic scene where laid a man who died by the hands of an officer who failed to call the emergency service contact number where if he did he may have been arrested along with the other man.  The events are still true to nature the names may have been changed so the Police Departments and Sheriff’s Stations could be investigated from my previous postings where I sought help by a nation who would listen where my cries for help fell on deaf ears of the men and women who swore an oath to uphold the laws and duties which they so deserve.

The man I named as Jonathan Wunschel is John Hamilton who is no longer an Officer-of-the-Law in the Rancho Mirage Police Department.  I fell victim to name changes through a form of communication that is known as the PANDORA Effect as I have written about in my previous writings.[i]

[i] See, PANDORA Effect, ScrabbleBinxy on Blogger

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