Sunday, January 18, 2015

The Day I Died

Author:  Carroll Scherber
Created:  January 18, 2015

When I passed over that fall November morning, I died.  My essence of who I am passed through the Coachella Valley to those animals who were listening as to who I am.  When I died, I died upon the gravel pit where my body laid undisturbed for over two hours.  I arose from the gravel pit to stand again upon my two feet; For, I had to first walk again by standing upon all fours.  I, Carroll Scherber, had to find my balance; For, my rod and staff were taken away from me once I descended from my throne inside the Kingdom of Heaven.  As I left the Kingdom of Heaven I found myself still bleeding where I took time to clean myself and the instruments that had struck me upon my descent to the gravel pit where the animal kingdom was awaiting me.  There are the ones who carried my body and soul into the Kingdom of Heaven.  I know now that my animal kingdom and the Kingdom of Heaven both hold a chair for which is reserved for me.  These chairs do not sit cold, these animals hold my places, these angels sing as to my arrival into the Kingdom of Heaven.

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