Friday, November 2, 2018

Hears No Evil

Author:  Carroll Scherber
 Created:  01 November, 2018
Revised:  July 31, 2022


I write this in lieu of who they are.  They are an elderly woman for whom I’ve learned my lessons.

Changes are in red.

How do you get across to a woman who cannot see beyond hatred, USNpiggy inquiries the animal kingdom of Scrabble and Binxy with Red in the background at play?  Hatred are the blind of who we are.

She was given three monkeys, USNpiggy tells the animal kingdom.  One, who sees no evil.  Two, who hear no evil.  And, three, one who talks no evil.

To evil, to evil, USNpiggy hollers; one shall hear.  One shall see, the monkey says to the evil doers who shall do evil.  One shall talk no evil, the evil doers says to the blind monkey.

The are:
            Talks no evil, the blind says to the monkey who plays him for a fool.
            Hears no evil, says the evil.
            Sees no evil,

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