Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Memoir - Hatred 11


Author:  Carroll Scherber

Created:  September 2, 2020

I praise Zeus and Athena for the strength I have.  I shall be able to endure any hatred they can give, USNpiggy tells his coloring book. Lucifer, Red or also know as John, Satan, Satan Ingram also known as Eric and Erica Ingram (twins), and Lucifer Ingram or otherwise known as Red Hook have taught me hatred.  Hatred like no other I've had to experience.  The hatred I have exceeds the boundaries of who we are.  The love I have for who they are is for who they are.  They were hits to who I am.  Their fathers and mothers gave me who they are.  They gave me who they so I would understand who they are.  They are worth understanding.  The complexities of who they are, are tiresome.  I grown tired of trying to understand who they are.  They are full of hatred because of who they are.  They have to deal with all kinds of families who are unkind to one another.

Hatred begets hatred. Changing hatred to love come with a kind heart.  A kind heart grows weary when no strength is put back into it.  Finding the courage to face to heart comes from either who we are or who you are.  You may have the strength for who we are.

Encourage another.  Give.

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