Showing posts with label Electronic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Electronic. Show all posts

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Chapter 06: The PANDORA Effect

Author:  Carroll Scherber
Created:  April 19, 2014
Revised:  July 22, 2016

Revisions:  Minor changes to punctuation and UK English to US English


Chapter 06:  The PANDORA Effect

Intro:  I had to move this Page to a Post listing due to there are a bunch of Ignorant Mother Fuckers out there that don't know how to read a blog.  They think that you only have to submit a posting every fucking day.  What they don't fucking realize is that you set your own posting ratio?  Due to the length of my postings they do nothing but bitch inside 9-1-1 Riverside County Sheriff's Department.

The PANDORA Effect:   Acknowledging Electronic Harassment Testing on Humans

Or, should we call it "Pandora's Box"?

This is probably the most unbelievable part of the story, Binxy and Scrabble.  What do we know about Pandora's Box, boys?

Theoi Website decrees:

PANDORA was the very first woman who was formed out of clay by the gods.  The Titan Prometheus had originally been assigned with the task of creating man.  But because he was displeased with their lot, stole fire from heaven.  Zeus was angered, and commanded Hephaistos and the other gods to create a woman, Pandora, and endow her with the beauty and cunning.  He then delivered her to Epimetheus, the foolish younger brother of Prometheus, for a bride.  When he had received her into his house, Pandora opened the pithos (storage jar) which Zeus had given her as a wedding present, and released the swarm of evil spirits trapped within.  They would ever afterwards plague mankind.  Only Elpis (Hope) remained behind, a single blessing to succor mankind in their suffering.

Pandora's daughter Pyrrha (Fire) was the first-born mortal child. She and her husband Deukalion alone survived the Great Deluge.  To repopulate the earth they each cast stones over their shoulder.  Those cast by Deukalion formed men, and those of Pyrrha women.

“I opened the box and all these ugly things flew out,” Pandora cried. “I tried to catch them, but they all got away!”  Pandora opened the box to show him how empty it was.  But the box was not quite empty.  One tiny bug flew quickly out before Pandora could slam the lid shut again.

“Hello, Pandora,” said the bug, hovering just out of reach.  “My name is Hope.” With a nod of thanks for being set free, Hope flew out into the world, a world that now held Envy, Crime, Hate, and Disease – and Hope.

"See Scrabble, that's exactly what Daddy's been talking about!"

What do you mean Binxy?

That how one individual...

"Or, one Government," Scrabble injects.

Has created their own Pandora's Box (Jar)!  Daddy, how does this relate to the...

"Box," as Scrabble completes Binxy's sentence?

Non-Lethal Bio-Weaponry was being created ever since World War II in order to build a better Soldier.  Our Government has now succeeded in building this equipment.

"What does this equipment do, Daddy," Binxy inquires?  As Scrabble tilts his head.

Have they been trying to brainwash me, yes; only to find out that I am not allowing them to brainwash me.  It does take a week mind to allow that to happen; so, they have taken an alternative tactic to harass me be getting me to do things that I would not normally do.

The U.S. Government and the U.S. Military has been Beta testing on human beings without an official contract for experimentation.  Unbelievable isn't it, Scrabble and Binxy?  Are we just human lab rats to them?

No offense to the rats of course,..."Those dirty rats"...Scrabble.

You're gotta be fucking kidding me, Binxy!

I'm not fucking kidding you, Scrabble!

I'm not kidding you, Scrabble and Binxy.

My theory is that our beloved U.S. Government has experimented on those that have used some form of illicit drug, such as methamphetamine or cocaine.  Methamphetamine is known to have the following effects on the human brain in accordance with the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the Long-term Effects of Methamphetamine are:

"Long-term methamphetamine abuse has many negative consequences, including addiction. Addiction is a chronic, relapsing disease, characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use and accompanied by functional and molecular changes in the brain.

As is the case with many drugs, tolerance to methamphetamine’s pleasurable effects develops when it is taken repeatedly.  Abusers often need to take higher doses of the drug, take it more frequently, or change how they take it in an effort to get the desired effect.  Chronic methamphetamine abusers may develop difficulty feeling any pleasure other than that provided by the drug, fueling further abuse.  Withdrawal from methamphetamine occurs when a chronic abuser stops taking the drug; symptoms of withdrawal include depression, anxiety, fatigue, and an intense craving for the drug.

In addition to being addicted to methamphetamine, chronic abusers may exhibit symptoms that can include significant anxiety, confusion, insomnia, mood disturbances, and violent behavior.  They also may display a number of psychotic features, including paranoia, visual and auditory hallucinations, and delusions (for example, the sensation of insects creeping under the skin).  Psychotic symptoms can sometimes last for months or years after a person has quit abusing methamphetamine, and stress has been shown to precipitate spontaneous recurrence of methamphetamine psychosis in formerly psychotic methamphetamine abusers."

What they didn't mention here is the jawing effect that methamphetamine can have on a user.  The jawing effect, normally appears as grinding of the teeth, which can last for hours or days depending on the length of use.

My theory here is that this Classified equipment has been utilized on those that may have used this form of illicit drug; and why you, those may ask?  It is because of the following evidence has proven that the results of this equipment are the same, if not identical as a user of methamphetamine or cocaine.

ATS: Above Top Secret Website notes:

Communicating Via the Microwave Auditory Effects:  Titles a Small Business contract for the Department of Defense.

Communication initial results are:  The feasibility of the concept has been established using both low and high power systems. A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request as to the projects outcome met with denial on the part of the Air Force, on the grounds that disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause damage to national security.

"Daddy, what does 'reasonably be expected to cause damage to National Security' mean," Scrabble asks as he looks upon me with a confusing face, and his eyebrows raised?

"Daddy, what does it mean by National Security," Binxy queries?

Binxy, let me answer your question first.  In accordance with the NSA/CSS website:

"The National Security Agency/Central Security Service which leads the U.S. Government in cryptology the encompasses both Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) and Information Assurance (IA) products and services, and enables Computer Network Operations (CNO ) in order to gain a decision advantage for the Nation and our allies under all circumstances. 

The Information Assurance mission confronts the formidable challenge of preventing foreign adversaries from gaining access to sensitive or classified national security information.  The Signals Intelligence mission collects, processes, and disseminates intelligence information from foreign signals for intelligence and counterintelligence purposes and to support military operations.  This Agency also enables Network Warfare operations to defeat terrorists and their organizations at home and abroad, consistent with U.S. laws and the protection of privacy and civil liberties.

Executive Order 12333, originally issued 4 December 1981, delineates the NSA/CSS roles and responsibilities. In part, the Director, NSA/Chief, CSS is charged to:

~  Collect (including through clandestine means), process, analyze, produce, and disseminate signals intelligence information and data for foreign intelligence and counterintelligence purposes to support national and departmental missions;

~  Act as the National Manager for National Security Systems as established in law and policy, and in this capacity be responsible to the Secretary of Defense and to the Director, National Intelligence;

~  Prescribe security regulations covering operating practices, including the transmission, handling, and distribution of signals intelligence and communications security material within and among the elements under control of the Director of the National Security Agency, and exercise the necessary supervisory control to ensure compliance with the regulations.

So, see Scrabble, damage to the National Security, by not protecting our nation, our National Security becomes defenseless at home, even here in the United States and/or abroad.  But, let's stop to ask each other, what about our "Civil Liberties," our "Protection of Privacy," and our "U.S. Laws" that the NSA/CSS so boldly talks about?

These items were taken away from your USNdaddy!  That is why there is a book and news story in the near future for this Blog of Scrabble's and Binxy's, or Binxy's and Scrabble's.

Let's continue with Daddy's readings and what I have put together from his them to backup my Clairaudiency because I knew what I was hearing was not normal, it was a radio frequency.  I have been hearing this radio frequency since the summer of 2012 to present.  The Radio Frequency (RF), Theta, transferring to a electromagnetic frequency with an infusion of Electroencephalogram (EEG) combined with an Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) modulator.  The EMF is emitted to a Microwave Emitter and set to a AM and FM Radio Frequency creating a Delta Wave which can be picked up on 96.7 AM radio.  These frequencies can travel to an Electrical Transformer and travel across is cabling.  The mixture of the EEGs, EMFs, Microwaves and Radio Frequencies in conjunction with the Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) transferred into a signal and be pressed into one's cerebrum allowing our government to identify each individual by their brain wave pattern.

How does this relate to the effects of the Pandora equipment?  It produces similar effects to methamphetamine.  The effects on RFs  are:

Initial Effects on lower frequencies:

      Auditory of Radio Frequencies, for some individuals
      Jawing, primarily on the left side
      Antagonistic Behavior by Sender
      Induced Imagery with an Electrical Signature

Secondary Effects:

      Same as the Initial Effects, graduating to a higher frequency
      On the higher frequency, the Jawing is decreased significantly
      Intensified frequencies can and have caused rolling of the tongue

Tertiary Effects:

            Further induced imagery, also known as induced hallucinations
            Tongue Rolling, if frequencies are increased
            Bleeding from the nose, ears, eyes and gums
            Tingling of the teeth
            Possible loss of filling, cavities

Methamphetamine does NOT cause the tongue to roll; you may experience the effects of slurred speech, cotton mouth, and dehydration, but NOT the continual rolling of the tongue.

The Department of Defense's Programs

Trying to play catch-up, the U.S. Army and Navy embarked on intensive research programmes in electromagnetics, micro-waves, radio frequencies etc.  Most of these programmes were, and remain, highly classified.  Some sections which had not been initially classified were reclassified in the late 1970s.  Wherever and whenever there were areas of interest in these programmes, the CIA stepped in and, by funding them, extended the research dimension, and shared the results.  Laws were introduced to curtail any enquiries made by the public, and university authorities were banned from questioning the members of their own academic fraternity engaged in such programmes.  Educational values and ethics became irrelevant.  A similar situation pertains on the campuses of some British universities.

The results of some of the experimental programmes were shocking.  Various military and intelligence establishments did have suspicions about the possible harmful effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation and microwaves on humans.  The Defense Intelligence Agency, the CIA and the Army had been monitoring the progress made by the former Soviet Union and its satellites for decades.  Despite the intelligence reports on the harmful effects of Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) and micro-waves, they decided to try to establish the facts themselves.  The PANDORA programme was in effect a stepping-stone.  Extensive testing was conducted in the Army, Navy, Air Force and CIA, either through contractors or in their own laboratories.  Contractors provided them with non-volunteer human test-beds.  Several military contracts involved working in highly dangerous environments.  Some still do.  At times, their employers were aware of this, and yet allowed it to continue.  There were two main reasons:  (a) to comply with the terms of the lucrative contracts; (b) to gather data about the effects of irradiation on humans.  Years later a flood of court cases brought by unwitting victims once more raised the serious question:  does the end justify the means? After all, those responsible in several cases were indeed aware of the harmful effects of EMF, and yet they had deliberately concealed the facts from their victims or employees.  Several lives were lost, yet no liability has ever been admitted by the establishments or their contractors.  The situation remains the same today.

U.S. Military interest in electromagnetics is now well established.  The Tri-Service Electromagnetic Advisory Panel (TERP), represents the interests of all three military services in the United States.

TERP's Memorandum of Understanding of 1990 states:  'PURPOSE:  This Tri-Service Panel is re-established and re-chartered to ensure a visible, effective co-ordination of efforts by the military departments, each possessing common and service unique requirements to conduct research and development on the biological effects of non-ionizing Electromagentic Radiation (EMR) on man.

'OBJECTIVE:  a Identify and periodically review those medical research and developments regarding biological effects of non-ionizing EMR which are common to the three military departments and those requirements which are mission specific to a single department.

b.  Identify medical research and development objectives which are responsible to the needs of the military operating forces, systems developers, and the military scientific and technical community.

c.  Coordinate utilisation of facilities, material, personnel and funds to accomplish the required research and development in a timely and effective manner.

d.  Develop procedures for continuing interservice exchange of information on all aspects of ongoing research and develpoment on the effects of non-ionising EMR on man.

e.  Develop procedures for the coordination of research and development in this area by the three military departments with other agencies.' TERP consists of three full-time military or civilian employees who are selected by the Army, Navy, the Air Force and the Marine Corps.  The panel regularly calls in distinguished members of the scientific community for further advice and progress.  TERP serves as an advisory body to the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) and other offices within the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (OASD).  TERP does not limit its research to within the military and has an active interest in national research.  TERP's research covered a wide area in 1990.  For example, the Army's interest in the bioeffects of non-nuclear electro-magentic pulses led to study and research in areas such as:

* human dosimetry and bioeffects of high peak pulsed electro-magnetic fields, · the development of an occupational and environmental non-nuclear electromagnetic injury data base.

· To achieve these it is vital to learn the effects such fields have on humans.  Already a number of civilians have been the target of covert experiments in this field, both in Europe and the U.S., but they have failed to identify the source of their mistreatment.  Their efforts to obtain support from their politicians or from various international victim support organizations, such as Am-nesty International and the Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture have produced no results.

The U.S. Air Force has been conducting research into:  * Ocular injury by exposure to millimetere wave system * Bioeffects of High Power Microwave in low microwave regions (S band) The 'Minutes of the Tri-service Electromagnetic Radiation Advisory Panel (TERP)', held in the USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, in Brooks Air Force Base, Texas, on 27/28 October, 1987, show the significance attached to behavioural control.  On page 2 we find this:  'The Radio Frequency Radiation (RFR) behavioural program at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR) is considered high priority.'

The use of High Power Microwave (HMP), developed at Los Alamos, Lawrence Livermore or Sandia laboratories, by each of the military services seems to be commonplace.  A letter dated 18 March 1986, concerning the TERP meeting of February 10-13 1986 noted that, 'The Army will take deliver of a 2.5 GHz system developed by Sandia on 3 March 1986.'  The same letter noted that 'The biological studies will emphasize the eye, heart and behaviour.'  The Department of Defense keeps track of medical research in this field.  Minutes from TERP's 1 May 1989 meetings recommends that 'any medical surveillance criteria' on the 'vulnerability, survivability and Effects of Electro-magnetic Beams' would play a crucial role in the outcome of research.

The U.S. Navy seems the most interested of the services.  The list of progammes released by the Office of the Chief of Naval Research (OCNR) on the biological effects of electro-magnetic waves is monumental.  The index alone in April 1989 was in five volumes.

These programmes vary from the use of body current to assess absorption rates of Very Low Frequency (VLF) and High Frequency (HF) transmissions, biological effects of magnetic fields, the development of effective electromagnetic field surveillance, and the effects of EM on genes and DNA - to topics akin to science fiction, such as Electroportation (a synonym for teleportation).

The scope and results of these studies, while scientifically invaluable, could have far-reaching and frightening implications if they are further modified to be used offensively.

By taking advantage of the Electro-magentic Field (EMF) technology, various intelligence agencies, have developed enormous capabilities.  The NSA has shown great interest in developing technology to remotely monitor the evoked potential from EEG.  Should such techology be developed, and the EEG of the targeted individual decoded, it would enable the agency to not only study the thought processes of the targetted individual, but might be able to influence the thinking patterns of the decision-making processes of such targets.  Already preliminary progress has been made.  Seeking to help strike victims who have lost their speech powers, Dr. Donald York, a neuro-physiologist, and Dr. Thomas Jensen, a speech pathologist, from the University of Missouri, have been able to identity and decode 27 words and syllables in specific brain wave patterns.  They have been able to correlate these EEG patterns with both spoken words and the silent thought words in 40 subjects.  They produced a computer programme with the brain wave vocabulary.

Binxy and Scrabble, think of it this way, how our handicapped/disabled are able to communicate with a computer without being able to form a vocal speech pattern.

At the height of the Remote Viewing programemes, several intelligence organisations with the U.S., such as the CIA, the Army and the DIA, embarked on intensive study of the EEG of their remote viewers.  The idea was to try to ascertain how information is obtained by the viewers, and whether, by reversing the process, information given to the viewer could be passed on to influence the target.  Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) conducted extensive research programmes in this area.

'Modern electromagentic scattering theory raises the prospect that ultrashort pulse scattering through the human brain can result in reflected signals that can be used to construct a reliable estimate of the degree of central nervous system arousal.  The concept behind this "remote EEG" is to scatter off of action potentials or ensembles of action potentials in major nervous system tracts.  Assuming we will understand how our skills are imprinted and recalled, it might be possible to take this concept one step further and duplicate the experience set in another individual.  The prospect of providing a "Been there-done that" knowledge base could provide a revolutionary change in our approach to specialized training.  The impact of success would boggle the mind.'
In recent years a number of mind control programs have been developed to be incorporated into the non-lethal weapons concept.  Among the candidates for such a role are Infras-oundweapons which incorporate a Very Low Frequency (VLF) or Radio Frequency (RF) modulation to cause nausea, abdominal spasm and vomiting.  A confidential report prepared by the U.S. Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development Center, Fort Believer, Virginia, as early as 1969, detailed the effect an infrasonic system would have on humans.  These effects range from disruption of nervous systems to death.

Records show that Los Alamos National Laboratory in 1994 conducted a research and development programme with the support of the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Center (ARDEC) on the design and performance of microwave weapons.

Some of these weapons might have been previously used by U.S agencies and departments covertly in the U.S. and U.K..  Furthermore, in a recent letter from the U.S. Department of Defense, in response to one of my Freedom of Information Act requests, pending since 1994, for acoustic generators (anti-personnel, anti-materiel) high-power microwave generators, neural inhibitors, and wireless stun technology, I was informed that the information I sought is now in the purview of the previously unknown Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate.

At a classified conference organised by the Los Alamos National Laboratory, with the support of the American Defense Preparedness Association on November 16 and 17 1993, the following speakers presented papers on different topics of mind control, as part of the new, non-lethal weapons concept:

* Dr.  George Baker (Defense Nuclear Agency -- now Defense Special Weapons Agency, DSWA):  'Radio Frequency Weapons -- a very attractive non-lethal option'.  · Dr.  John Derring (Scientific Applications Research Associate -- SARA):  'Acoustic Technology'.

* Dr.  Clay Easterly (Oak Ridge National Laboratory):  'Application of ELF Fields to non-lethal weapons'.  · Ms Astrid Lewis (U.S. Army Chemical Research and Development Command):  'Chemical/Biological Anti-Terrorism'.

Farabloc's Document on:  The Effect of High Frequency Radio Waves on Human Brain Activity: an EEG study reads:

Ultra High Radio Electromagnetic Fields (UHR-EMF) are emitted by common electronic communication devices such as cordless phones and wireless routers operating in the 800 MHz to 2400 MHz range.  The effects of these waves on the human physiology have raised concerns, particularly their implication on the functioning of the human brain.  Several physiological impacts of these EMFs have been reported through human behavioral studies, including decreased reaction time to stimuli and their gender specific effects on human cognitive ability in response to increased exposure to pulse modulated EMF [1, 2].  Another study also found that high frequency radio waves altered the regional cerebral blood flow [3].  As a medical application, EMFs have also been suggested as non-invasive alternatives for controlling brain physiological activities [3, 4].  The EMFs generated by wireless devices are no exception in producing such effects and warrant further understanding of the physiological risks involved with their daily use.

One of the ways to study the function of the brain is by measuring its electrical activity through electroencephalography (EEG).  EEG signals are generated by inhibitory and excitatory postsynaptic potentials of cortical nerve cells and recorded by electrodes attached to the subject’s scalp [5].  Extensive scientific studies have correlated different EEG signals to different human behavioral activities [6].  The Delta band (< 4 Hz) has been associated with drowsiness, the Theta and Alpha bands (4 – 13 Hz) are predominantly observed in individuals feeling relaxed, and the Beta band (13 – 30 Hz) represents active thinking [7].  Changes in the amplitude or power of these frequency bands represent changes in brain activity that could potentially have important physiological implications.

The principal aim of this study was to investigate the short-term effects of UHR-EMF on the electrical activity of the brain.  Previously, Regel and Huber independently documented an increase in the power of Alpha bands upon exposure to EMFs generated at 900 MHz [3, 8].  Such observations established the precedence for our study.  We hypothesized that exposure to high frequency radio waves would transiently alter the resting EEG in one or more of these frequency bands, and that the use of an EMF shield, which blocks out ambient radio waves, would negate this effect of high frequency radio waves on the resting EEG.

Here's a tidbit what the frequencies read on an EEG meter when you eyes are either opened or closed. 

USAARL Report No. 94-26:  Collection of Real Time, Multichannel EEG Data from Helicopter Pilots in Flight:  A Feasibility Study

Data values represented the amount of EEG activity present within the delta (1.50 - 3.0 Hz), theta (3.0 - 7.5 Hz), alpha (7.5 - 13.0 Hz), and beta (13.00 - 20.0 Hz) bands for each group of three epochs averaged together.  The data from the in-flight eyes-open and eyes-closed conditions then were compared to the laboratory eyes-open and eyes-closed conditions using BMDP4V repeated measures analysis of variance.

Let's take a look at the human brain for a moment and how it operates.  Why don't we read over what News Medical has written?

News Medical reports:

The Fore-Brain:  This region contains the cerebral cortex and surrounds the brain stem and midbrain.

Frontal Lobe:   This region of the brain occupies the front part of the skull and lies behind the forehead.  The frontal lobe is associated with planning, decision making, voluntary muscle movement, processing speech, smell, and emotions.

Parietal Lobe:  This area of the brain processes sensory information and is responsible for determining spatial awareness, navigation and positioning.  It is also involved in processing information related to taste, temperature and touch.

Temporal Lobe:              The temporal lobe is involved in processing visual and auditory information and controls some aspects of language perception, memory and emotion.

Occipital Lobe:               This is the visual processing centre of the brain and contains the largest proportion of the visual cortex region.

The Mid-Brain:

This region of the brain is responsible for vision, hearing, temperature control, motor control and alertness.  The midbrain also connects the brain stem to the thalamus, allowing for information to be relayed from the senses to the brain and back to the muscles.  The midbrain also includes a limbic system which lies above the brain stem and under the cortex.  It consists of a number of interrelated structures that regulate temperature control, hormones, and emotions.  The limbic system also deals with long term memory.

Limbic System includes:

Hypothalamus :              The hypothalamus regulates emergency responses such as the "fight or flight" response, as well as non-emergency vital processes such as feeding and reproduction.  The hypothalamus also controls the release of hormones.  Neurons affecting heart rate and respiration are concentrated in the hypothalamus.

Amygdala :       This part of the limbic system regulates behaviour.

Hippocampus: This area is responsible for the formation, storing and organizing of memories.

The midbrain and the limbic system also form part of the Reticular Activating System (RAS).  It is this area that regulates wakefulness and sleep.

Thus, these radio signals can  place an attack on the Audio Nerve System; these signals can be so severe that one or more individuals can control one('s) individual singular mind in combination with EEGs, EMF and Microwave Emitters.  All these parts sound like Science-Fiction, but it truly is not.  The combination of all these elements can send and receive, download and upload, and terrorize individuals.  This is only a portion of how USNdaddyScrabble and Binxy, BinxyScrabble, ScrabbleBinxy, and RedSagittarian who reside inside the Animal Kingdom of the Kingdom of Heaven have been harassed throughout the last two years...

In close for tonight before bed, "How many of you animals besides me, Scrabble and my Daddy have been or think you have been harassed by this form covert action," Binxy inquires?

"Binxy, how many more living human subjects do you think they need before they wise up and realize that our USNdaddy is not playing a game with our United States Government, Military, local Police and Sheriff's Departments, even our so-called community," Scrabble ponders?

What is surprising Daddy, boys, is that how our community of Palm Springs and throughout the Coachella Valley could allow these thing to occur without anyone saying anything about what was going on; either in their heads or from their internet.

When do we stop playing games, Palm Springs?

When do we stand up for USNdaddy and his Animal Kingdom, and stop playing the game of the "Man Who Played the Fool?"

USNdaddy has done so much more for the local business by supporting them, just by mentioning their name, while inside their business.

How many of them have done the same throughout the United States?