Showing posts with label Torch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Torch. Show all posts

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Sibling Rivalry

Author:  Carroll Scherber
Created:  March 12, 2015


These three lose too much information when they play each other for the fool, says BinxyScrabble.

When brothers play each other as a fool they tear each other apart as sibling rivalries do.  When we tear each other apart we have a tendency to lose our heads.  When we lose our heads we have a tendency to forget who we are.

Friends, family and relatives all argue.  When we argue we have a tendency to lose our heads.  When we lose our heads regain your thoughts, become friends, family and allies.  When we do these things together we do these things together.  Never let others dictate to you as to who you are, as to what is right and wrong, and as to how you should live your life.  Your life is yours to lead, guide and control.  Let others guide you, let others lead you and let others dictate to you what you should say and do.  Take control of your life and destination, and leave others behind where others may follow.

Be a guiding hand, be a helping hand, be there for others and be there where others are not.  A friend once told me, be there.  I am not here for you; my heart is here for all of you.  I feel your compassion when other may feel you compassion.  Compassion is felt through the Kingdom of Heaven.

When a man dies for your sins his compassion is felt with the hearts of our Holy Father, Jesus Christ and now Carroll Scherber.

When a man’s heart feels your compassion; he weeps.  A weeping heart is a heart which carries the burden of our families.  Our families are our burden.  They carry with them a torch which lights the night, it lights the way, it lights the truth and it lights them within our hearts.  The glow is everlasting, it is radiant and it is warming.  The glow shall be eternal, the glow shall be forever and the glow shall radiate the skies, our faces and the sun.

When I say, Amen; I say, the same to you.

Wherefore, art thou love?  Wherefore, art thou compassion?  (Interruption.)

(Interruption story: to be inserted later)

(After interruption.)  Wherefore, art thou valor?

Love is contrived to be a feeling from the heart.  Love is to an emotion.  Love is to be a state of the mind.  When all three are in play our love is our love for each other, for our families and for our friends.

Compassion is to heartfelt.