Saturday, April 19, 2014

Chapter 03: USNdaddy's Suicide

Author:  Carroll Scherber
Created:  April 19, 2014

Chapter 03:   USNdaddy's Suicide

Intro:  I had to move this Page to a Post listing due to there are a bunch of Ignorant Mother Fuckers out there that don't know how to read a blog.  They think that you only have to submit a posting every fucking day.  What they don't fucking realize is that you set your own posting ratio?  Due to the length of my postings they do nothing but bitch inside 9-1-1 Riverside County Sheriff's Department.

USNdaddy talks about Daddy’s Suicide
to Binxy and Scrabble!

Daddy, can we talk about your suicide now, Binxy inquires?

Okay, boys, let’s lay down on the sofa and Daddy will talk about the day I died, and came back to life. 

As we settle in on the sofa, Scrabble makes himself comfortable under the blanket just with his head peering out from underneath the covers.  Binxy crawls up onto my chest to make himself cozy, and just close enough to lay next to Scrabble.  Now, Binxy and Scrabble, let’s pick up where we left off about Daddy’s suicide.  This story is not for the lighthearted and to be taken seriously.

Daddy had committed suicide last November.  Daddy’s suicide went unreported by any local official and City Park employee.  I induced suicide with 60 tablets of 50 mg of Trazodone at 1:00 am on the morning of the 25th of November, and passed out by 1:30 am.  I recovered around 3:33 am that morning lying in my own blood.  USNdaddy was, what you would consider, legally dead…“Lack of Life,” for over two hours.

Binxy what is Trazodone?  Daddy, what is Trazodone, Binxy mutters? 

The medical description of Trazodone is, boys, an antidepressant, antianxiety and sleep-inducing (hypnotic) effects.

Its common side effects are:  blurred vision, dizziness, somnolence (sleepiness), dry mouth, nausea, headache and fatigue.

Common adverse effects include:  vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, backache, confusion, disorientation, incoordination, orthostatic hypotension (head rush or dizzy spell), Syncope (loss of consciousness) and tremors.

After 30 minutes, taking the prescribed medication, Daddy began to vomit and dry heave with additional results of bleeding-out from my eyes, nose, ears, mouth and even, the top of my skull.  Believe it or not, it felt as if my own stomach was bleeding; I suppose it was, due to I started vomiting blood.  I continued vomiting and bleeding continuously.  I did my best to remain on my two feet and control the bleeding through direct pressure utilizing the only thing that was available; brown paper towels to stop the bleeding from crown, and toilet tissue to control the bleeding from the nose.

Daddy, how did you know that it went “Unreported”, as Scrabble and Binxy question?

To tell you both, this is how Daddy knows:

      Firstly, Daddy gained a Clairaudience gift as I mentioned earlier in November 2012; providing Daddy with a clarity of hearing, which most people should not hear; such as radio frequencies (DBs, MHz, GHz and KHz) and what we would consider Angels and Demons.  This gift of Clairaudience was handed down through USNdaddy’s family ancestry amongst other gifts that Daddy learned about within the last two years.

      Secondly, being a Clairaudience, Daddy was challenged to commit suicide by several individuals throughout the community which included our Local and County 9-1-1 Emergency Contact Services, along with our US Government.  I could have even been provoked by Demons; I am still learning the truths as to what really happened that day.  Clairaudience can either be a “Gift” or a “Curse;” but when you add the US Government’s Top Secret project to utilize humans as Alpha and Beta testers on a Non-Lethal Bio-Weapon, the severity can be disastrous and hazardous to one’s health!

We will talk about these individuals a bit later due to this story gets a little weird with an unusual governmental twist about things that shouldn't exist…but, they have been working on this project since World War II (see for further documentation).  They just didn’t know what they were really playing with when it came to an individual’s life!  Daddy will also discuss some of these things in detail for those laymen who may not understand radio frequencies and mind-control.

      Thirdly, now let’s get into how Daddy knew that his suicide went unreported.  I could hear someone telling me on a radio frequency, we’ll talk later on that like I said.  I heard them say that I needed to get out of my car, walk around and stay on my feet; drink plenty of water.  Daddy proceeded to the restroom, and tried to induce vomiting as instructed by those that were speaking to Daddy at that time.  I was unaware as to those that were speaking to me, however, found out late this year as to those individuals that were responsible.  Daddy’s is going to list those individuals personally in later Blogs ensuring that “Proper Justice” is adhered to consequently for those individual that should take responsibility for their actions; due to these are “True and Valuable Lessons.”

Daddy was vomiting with a profusion amount of blood through practically every orifice including the anus.  A continuous bleeding, vomiting and diarrhea caused large amounts of blood coming the nose mouth, ears and skull.  Daddy was aided in his vomiting with an amount of pressure being placed on my abdomen from an external source, with that pressure lifting and pushing upward.  The pressure was so great that it started my skull to bleed and causing diarrhea.

Applying a certain amount of direct pressure to the nose and the top of my own skull; hence, still not being able halt thy own bleeding.  Daddy did everything he could to control the bleeding; I even continued to clean up after myself so that the restroom was not left in a pool and splattering of blood.  Daddy continually began to grow even dizzy and lose start of losing consciousness.  As Daddy blacked out and lost consciousness, Daddy then fainted and collapsed to the floor striking my head on the toilet and steel peddle.  If you were looking down on me from above, I look as if I had on “O” over my head; it was only the steel toilet which covered my face as I lay there on my right side and my feet visible from the stall door.

Some people may say that they see a brilliant light and/or seeing their fellow loved ones as they pass to the other side of consciousness, meaning death.  Daddy, unfortunately, saw neither as far as I can recall.  Daddy arose from the ground floor, or you could say resurrected, after the two-hour period.  I then cleaned up after awaking, and preceded back to my vehicle while still trying to regain full consciousness.  The temperature was beginning to chill to an approximate fifty degrees.  Daddy then drove himself to the Jerry L. Pettis Veterans Medical Center in Loma Linda, California, approximately forty minutes to an hour away; the cold air aided in keeping me awake until arrived.

Daddy has evidence that he even drove himself and checked into the Psychiatric Ward voluntarily for psychiatric evaluation and treatment, due to the incessant harassment that occurred throughout the previous year prior to USNdaddy’s suicide.

Daddy now resides on a Suicide Prevention Observation Watch with the Veteran Medical Center, which has continued from then until now, and from today to tomorrow, and from tomorrow to the day-after-tomorrow.  Hopefully, not from the day-after-yesterday and into the future; because if it is not the future, it is today!

      Lastly, no individual, Officer, Deputy, US Government Official and Military Service member, or Civilian reported my death on the early fall morning.  The onsite City Park Employee Attendant never contacted 9-1-1’s Emergency Contact Services to report a body lying on the public restroom floor in disgrace for these Mother F*n Games!  This suicide was committed at California just outside of Palm Springs off Interstate 10, Exit 113, at Whitewater Adobe Park.

There are those individuals that may have taken part in saving my life; but also, has a “so-called” Specialized United States Government Non-Lethal Bio-Weapon equipment, that was used in aiding to safe Daddy’s life.  No one took the time to record the event, and left me for an unreported death.  This was in hopes to keep this form or harassment and weaponry classified; therefore, I must take it upon myself to report my own death and resurrection, rebirth.

As we know and as it was written, Jesus Christ died upon a cross in disgrace with only a loin cloth to cover himself and with a thorn of crowns laid upon his head.  Where I was murdered through our US Government’s equipment and our local community of Palm Springs stretching through Coachella Valley, and the United States.  Thus, causing one to lose faith in his community, his fellowman, and his government; especially after servicing his country in the United State Navy and Navy Reserve.  I even have difficulty gaining faith within my friends and family believing in USNdaddy on a topic that has met our Science Fiction.

Daddy, didn't you receive a Navy Achievement Medal in the US Navy, Scrabble inquires?

Scrabble, Daddy's a three time Navy Achievement Medal holder.

Binxy, do you remember when Daddy was gone for such a long time in two-thousand four through two-thousand five and two-thousand six?

Wait a minute, Scrabble; I know where you are going with that question.  Daddy's served in Imminent Danger during Operation Noble Eagle, Enduring Freedom, Operation Enduring and Iraqi Freedom.

Earning himself a Meritorious Unit Commendation, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary and Service Medals, the National Defense Service Medal, and the Naval Reserve Meritorious Service Medal, two time honoree, as Scrabble proudly walks about the room talking to Daddy and Binxy.

This equipment was used to monitor USNdaddy’s movements, behavior, record and video log and file their creation ever since October 2011.  Remember, our US Government insist that this equipment does not exist, nor will they admit as to that they created an individual with Video and Recording Devices...can also been known as Human Flickering Device.

Sometimes that’s what it takes; is for one man to stand before his government, his community, and his fellowman, to ensure that is Civil Rights and Liberties, and justice for wrong doings extinguish those that proclaim and announce they are NOT in the wrong.  Only to practice to be God themselves through our science and technology without consent of those that they have taken advantage of through their own self-righteousness.

Scrabble, are you thirsty?  Daddy, can you get us some water?

Binxy, let’s go outside; I need to piss on some Tree People.

I need to piss on some Pig People, Binxy decrees!

Chapter 02: The Clairs

Author:  Carroll Scherber
Created:  April 19, 2014
Revised:  May 08, 2022

Chapter 02:  The Clairs

 Revisions:  Clairvisual

Adult Language

Intro:  I had to move this Page to a Post listing due to there are a bunch of ignorant Motherfuckers out there that don't know how to read a blog.  They think that you only have to submit a posting every fucking day.  What they don't fucking realize is that you set your own posting ratio?  Due to the length of my postings they do nothing but bitch inside 9-1-1 Riverside County Sheriff's Department.

USNdaddy what is a Clair Savant Prodigy?

Scrabble and Binxy, let’s first examine what Clairvoyance is:

Per Quantum Possibilities’ website the Clairs are defined as:

Clair Senses

This collective word phrase includes any or all types of psychic sensitivity corresponding to the senses:  seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, tasting, touching.

Clair Senses in psychic terms are translated as Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Clairscent, Clairtangency, Clairgustance and Clairvisual.  Additional gifts are Clairempathy and Channeling.

Clairvoyance or Clairvoyant (clear vision) ~

To reach into another vibrational frequency and visually perceive "within the mind's eye" something existing in that realm.  A clairvoyant is one who receives extrasensory impressions, and symbols in the form of "inner sight" or mental images, which are perceived without the aid of the physical eyes and beyond the limitations of ordinary time and space.  These impressions are more easily perceived in an alpha state and during meditation, though many clairvoyants can obtain visual information regarding the past, present and future in a variety of environments.

Clairaudience (clear audio/hearing) ~

To perceive sounds or words and extrasensory noise from sources broadcasting from spiritual or ethereal realms, in the form of "inner ear" or mental tones which are perceived without the aid of the physical ear and beyond the limitations of ordinary time and space.  These tones and vibrations are more easily perceived in an alpha state and during meditation, though many clairaudients can obtain verbal and sound-related information regarding the past, present and future in a variety of environments.  Most Channelers (also known as Mediums) work with both clairvoyance and clairaudience.

Clairsentience (clear sensation or feeling) ~

To perceive information by a "feeling" within the whole body, without any outer stimuli related to the feeling or information.  (Also see Clairempathy)

Clairscent (clear smelling) ~

To smell a fragrance/odor of substance or food this is not in one’s surroundings. These odors are perceived without the aid of the physical nose and beyond the limitations of ordinary time and space.

Clairtangency (clear touching) ~

More commonly known as psychometry; the ability to handle an object or touch an area and perceive through the palms of one's hands information about the article or its owner or history that was not previously known by the clairtangent.

Clairgustance (clear tasting) ~

To taste a substance without putting anything in one's mouth.  It is claimed that those who possess this ability are able to perceive the essence of a substance from the spiritual or ethereal realms through taste.

Clairempathy (clear emotion) ~

An Empath is a person who can psychically tune in to the emotional experience of a person, place or animal.  Clairempathy is a type of telepathy to sense or feel within one's self, the attitude, emotion or ailment of another person or entity.  Empaths tune into the vibrations and "feel" the tones of the aura.

Clairvisual (clear seeing) ~

The ability to see a multitude of angels.  To see them in the light of day and at night.  They flicker within the light.


Channel ~

A person who allows his/her body and mind to be used as a mechanism for etheric world intelligence to bring psychic information or healing energy to others.

Channeling ~

To allow an etheric world intelligence to enter one's mind and impress thoughts upon the consciousness to be spoken aloud, using one's voice or body to deliver the information or healing energy.

Well, Scrabble and Binxy, you could say Daddy has practically all of these capabilities as of November 2012 due to he is a Clair Savant Prodigy specializing in Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Channeling and Clairvisual.  Daddy was born with a Gift of Insight, also can be known as Clairempathy.  It’s like being able to trust an individual or not; or whether to walk away because they are telling a “BIG FAT LIE” or to stand fast because they are tell you a “True and Factual Statement.”  Maybe it’s just a “Big Fat JOKE” or a “DARE”!

Scrabble asks, “Daddy, what are you talking about;” as Binxy interjects, “How did that happen?”

Boys, it is a long story, and that is what we are Blogging and writing our book about; to tell our story about OUR” True and Factual Statements.  How and why this happened to USNdaddy!  We’ll talk about that next time.

Preface: USNdaddy Tells His Story to His Boys, Scrabble and Binxy

Author:  Carroll Scherber
Created:  April 19, 2014

Preface:  USNdaddy Tells His Story to His Boys, Scrabble and Binxy

Intro:  I had to move this Page to a Post listing due to there are a bunch of Ignorant Mother Fuckers out there that don't know how to read a blog.  They think that you only have to submit a posting every fucking day.  What they don't fucking realize is that you set your own posting ratio?  Due to the length of my postings they do nothing but bitch inside 9-1-1 Riverside and Indio County Sheriff's Department.

USNdaddy Tells His Story to His Boys, Scrabble and Binxy

USNdaddy tells his story to his boys, Scrabble and Binxy, about incidents that have happen over the last two years since October 2011, and today.  His story is going to be a book someday; but it is his book and story to tell.  He is informing the world on how “One Man Got Played as the Fool,” how he is rebelling against the injustice and brutality, fighting for his Civil Rights, Liberties, and our First and Fourth Amendments as United States citizens and animals...; whether, they be here on earth or in the Animal Kingdom.  And, above all, his integrity, honesty and respect!

Daddy’s story is a unique one.  It uncovers and reveals corruption, lies and false true's, conspiracy, truth and honesty, death, life and rebirth; and even a hidden Top Secret Project within our Government’s United States Military.  And, how two individuals suffocated one man, and how an entire community and the United States Military got one man to commit suicide.  This is biggest cover-up of a Mass Murder Suicide that our society has ever seen, and how it went unreported.  It is a true-to-life story, and something right of a Science-fiction novel.  All these events happened within the Coachella Valley of California, and throughout our United States.

How can all these events have happened to one person?

How could they let happen to our Daddy?

This is the story of our USNdaddy’s life from today, to tomorrow, to the day-before-yesterday, to the day-after-yesterday; from now to the future, and from future to eternity!  For he now does something a little differently today than he did yesterday!

Binxy and Scrabble

We love our USNdaddy to much not let the world know.

Friday, March 7, 2014

USNdaddy's Notable Quotables!

Author:  Carroll Scherber
Created:  March 7, 2014

Scrabble and Binxy read from:
USNdaddy's Notable Quotables!

11/25/2017 - Why does the President of the United States wear track shoes, USNdaddy jokes with Scrabble and Binxy? 
Scrabble and Binxy giggle, So, he can run the Oval Office! 

02/18/2015 ~  Why do you have to be like everybody else in the crowd?
                     Why can’t you be the queer in the crowd?

02/18/2015 ~  Let no shadows befall me.  May there always be light over me.  The darkness falls…

04/23/2014  ~ For the book does not just sit on the floor
                     For the book does not just sit on the table
                     For the book does not just sit on the shelf
                     For the book sits upon the table in the Kingdom of Heaven

04/20/2014  ~ Let me tell you a little story:
                     We get down on all fours next to our bedside table
                     We open a book and read a verse from time-to-time
                     We bow our heads, place our hands together, and I close my eyes
                     I say a little prayer for you
                     I say a little prayer for me
                     I say, “Amen”
                     I stand up and I put my book away
                     For tomorrow, I start my day with a little bit of optimism and a smile on my face

04/19/2014  ~ Let them spread their own decay across the earth by sake of their own name

04/06/2014  ~ By tying yourself to persons you do not know, you are creating an apocalypse that you are not aware of…

03/10/2014  ~ Survival! Sometimes...survival can come in the hands of one man! Who is that man? That man or woman is you; because, trust starts with you! If we cannot be honest, trustworthy and forthright, then, we are battling the unknown. The unknown lies within ourselves; and, the battle reigns forever.

03/07/2014  ~ We all want to hide behind our cloaks and daggers; but, shroud ourselves by our differences!

12/05/2013  ~ Your Hope for a Better Future, and a Better Tomorrow; for if it's not now or yesterday, then it's today or tomorrow.  For if it's not yesterday, then it's yesterday's yesterday, or tomorrow's tomorrow; for our prosperity is from now to the future, for if it's now from our past it to eternity, then it's from eternity to forever.

01/01/2013  ~ I wake up in the morning, I go to school or work, and I go to play; I start my day with a smile on my face
                     When I go to bed at night, I read a little verse and I put a smile on my face
                     So, when I wake up in the morning, I start my day with a little bit of optimism and a smile on my face

                     I wake up in the morning, I brush my teeth, I go to school or work, and I go to play; I start my day to put a smile on your face
                     When I go to bed at night, I brush my teeth, I read a little verse and put a smile on my face
                     So, when I wake up in the morning, I brush my teeth, I go to school or work, and I go to play
                     I start my day with a little bit of optimism to put smiles on your faces

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Who Are We?

Author:  Carroll Scherber
Created:  February 22, 2014
Revised:  August 12, 2017
Revised:  February 02, 2020
July 24, 2020

Revision:  First paragraph, added word Redsagittarian's

Who Are We?

Who are we …truly?  We are those who have pilfered a man’s wallet, stolen the man’s and father’s identity, interfered with his social and personal life, infringed upon his friend’s home, tampered with his internet and misappropriated his contact list, personal files and bank accounts, wrongfully accused, jailed and plotted against, conducted deformation of character, tormented, tortured and terrorized, caged, secluded and forced into isolation, wrongfully imprisoned and solicited into slavery!  We are a community of methamphetamine users who came together at Redsagittarian's, John Gibbons', home, also known as John Gibbons on the internet, however, we are not the only ones, we are also 9-1-1 Riverside and Indio County Sheriff’s and the Palm Springs Police Department from Coachella Valley.  We are those who have dismantled a man’s dignity, respect, worthiness and discharged his character for whom we pressured and pushed into playing the role of the “Snitch”

We live, create and establish our friends within a closely-knit community where others come from various destinations to escape their families, friends and personal live, and/or from a community prejudices.  We are the ones that have violated this man’s humanity and his family.  We have torn apart his name, his family’s name and his animal kingdom to truly recognize ourselves, either as humans or animals inside the Kingdom of Heaven or the Animal Kingdom.  We are the ones that just wanted to play a game with USNdaddy’s father’s name to keep a man incarcerated for our own actions which would enable us to take a legalized injection of methamphetamine.  We are the individuals who created a game to have a man betray his alleged boyfriend and boyfriend’s friend.  We are those who would stand and organize at one event to play one man as the “Fool” in various ways.  We are the ones who practiced numerous tactics on one singular individual without his knowledge of what we have done or his consent.

We are a group of united citizens for whom came together a one Jeffrey Sanker White Party in the year of two-thousand and twelve.  We created the game to evade his privacy with various pieces of electronic equipment built within inside 9-1-1 Riverside County Sheriff’s Department located in Palm Desert.  We utilized this equipment which consisted of Radio Frequencies (RF), Ultra High Frequencies (UHF), Electromagnetic Plating, an Electroencephalogram (EEG), an Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) Modulator, an Electromagnetic Beaming Weapon, and a Global Positioning Satellite System.  We utilize this equipment to create an artificial form of telepathy in order to read people’s minds allowing us to curb their behaviour or thoughts, which by then, we can commence playing a game in harassment and terrorism upon the individual; where we have created a situation in mass murder suicide.  If you are unclear about the term “Mass Murder Suicide,” it is where we have united together as a community and as 9-1-1 to terrorize and harass an individual long enough, over one year’s period of time, for him to commit suicide.

We have continued to demolish and brutalize USNdaddy throughout this entire period to learn as to “Who we truly are.”  We are the ones who have stolen a man’s civil rights, his civil liberties, his pursuit for justice, his pursuit for happiness, and his right to be a human being.  If we take time to remember or review an era in slavery where we sold and traded humans to produce a profit margin for our own self-worth.  We used the sweat off another man’s backside to produce monuments and idols to memorialize our virtue and righteousness.  At the expenditure of the cost value of a slave we can deplete their self-worth within a society and community to identify them as an invaluable piece of possession we owned.  This allows us to stage and identify the individual to place him upon display, whether if it on one’s television for all to view, or if it is upon a platform to place a noose around one’s neck; in this case, we left a man lying upon a filthy and unclean public restroom floor next a stainless steel toilet, just as we left Jesus Christ to carry his own cross to the mount which we nailed himself upon.

We are the ones who failed to investigate the background of the man by asking “Very Important Questions” or “Very Good Questions;” we only believe in our “Big Fat Lies!”  Our “Big Fat Lies” come from the concealment of not voicing or communicating a “Very Important Questions” or “Very Good Questions.”  When we organized to play USNdaddy as the “Fool,” we began as a select few of individuals, John Gibbons, John Hamilton and Michael Williams; we photographed and raped this man of his dignity through sexual exploitation allowing us the ability to solicit videos through the internet without his authorization or within inside John Gibbons' home for all others to view.  We are the ones who failed to pass a message to the man who was suffocated by John Gibbons and John Hamilton; we are Michael and Willie Williams, Sue Trevino (aka: Paul Richardson), Charles Abramson, Charles Rodgers Adams, Loren Matasovsky and Terry Huber, because we failed to communicate through the appropriate channels such as communication devices.  We are the ones, Rodgers Adams, who wanted to corner the narcotics market within the boundaries of Coachella Valley to ensure “The Snitch” knew what it was like to call the Police and Sheriff’s Departments on those who used methamphetamine.  We are the ones, a community of psychics with specialized gifts or “Wanna be” psychics, 9-1-1 Emergency Contact Services who have utilized the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA), and who tampered with a man’s mind to experiment in mind-control, electromagnetic microwave ultra-wave high frequencies; and to retrieve information about “Who We Truly Are!”  We are the ones who used a man’s irises to play the man as the “Fool” which would allow us to see inside the individual’s and another man’s household through the man we all wanted to play as the “Fool.”  This would allow us to video record and log through a “Flicker” as to what others were doing inside their homes and as to who they were; this is only portion of how we impaired a man’s reputation and opportunities through this form of harassment, torturer and terrorism.

We are those who have wrongfully imprisoned USNdaddy inside a home which would encapsulate an individual between four walls, either with padding or without, and a hole in the ground to defecate in; so we can play a game called “9-1-1”!  We are the ones who play these games either as a small group of individuals or community of friends and foes; but, USNdaddy is the only one who did or does not play these kind of games.  These games are childish and unbecoming of an Officer-of-the-Law, a civilized citizen, or one that I would attempt to befriend or consider an ally.  We are the ones who have prohibited a man from pursuing a career or time for his friends and family.  We are the ones who have denied an application for an individual to accept a position as a 9-1-1 Dispatcher, and granting us a guaranteed permit to prolong these games “we all” play with methamphetamine or marijuana because “We all do something differently!”  We are the ones who have failed as a human race by not revealing or disclosing as to “Who We Truly Are!”  We are those who cannot divulge or expose ourselves to the individual for whom we have all or wanted to play these games with, our USNdaddy

We are those who hide behind the masks which we wear as investigators, footmen, scientists, politicians, tormentors, extremists, assassins, arsenalists, interrogators, Bible thumpers, or just plain “busybodies;” and even those who utilized narcotics to “Flicker” the Kingdom of Heaven to extort and conspire one man into playing the “Fool.”  Through our extortion of USNdaddy, we are the ones who have failed to investigate the knowledge which we have obtained through a supposed reliable person of whom we have purchased our narcotics and played a game inside his home.  With our conspiracy to wrongfully imprison, we are the ones who wanted to keep our USNdaddy inside the bars, cells or glass walls which we utilize to view our inmates or test experiments; only to discover we are the ones who truly belong there ourselves.  We are the ones that USNdaddy as placed under the microscope to prove his innocents for the wrongful crimes and punishments we have created to persecute the naĂŻve and innocent.  We are the ones who have underestimated and undermined the person for whom we have taken for granted; merely to discover that his education, knowledge and observance to his surrounding and events are true and accurate.  His vocabulary is superb to where we all have played a game of lottery with the man’s vocabulary only to neglect offering the man a ticket or a spot within the lottery.  This lottery differs from Alfred Hitchcock’s movie, “The Lottery[i];” however, the game “Everybody Plays the Man as the Fool” is similar to Hitchcock’s movie having an individual pull the black marker for which they laid stones upon.

We are the ones who have transgressed in our own investigation in knowing as to “Who we truly are.”  We are the animals that have all toyed with the man for whom we all wanted to become.  We are the ones that could not stand upon our two feet and look USNdaddy in the eye to pose a “true and factual question;” we did not know how to ask a “very important question” or a “very good question,” we are the ones that only knew how to deceive the one who is to rule over the Animal Kingdom.  We are the ones who fail to entertain the gravity of our own actions, leading to our own arrests and citations.  We are the ones who have foreshadowed our own plight without distinction of our own character or own self-worth.  We conceal ourselves behind our own egos without the validity to reveal our “true” selves; the covers we pull over heads at night are to be are…“true” security blankets, as to where as homes are to be our havens for safety.  Do we shroud ourselves under our beds to ensure we are in a “safe place;” or do we screen ourselves behind the blankets we cover our windows with?  We are the ones that are too frightened to expose our “true” inner selves and stand before the one for whom we have all taunted and beleaguered; so, when we stand upon our own “two feet” or upon “all fours” as animals we can distinguish between those who can think for themselves or those who have to have others think for them as animals. 

We are those who have thought for another man, USNdaddy, and refuse his civil right to privacy and independence.  We are those who insisted upon a man to be connected to a community and society of methamphetamine and dope users, and be connected to a psychic network that one man wanted to control due to he thought for himself and for others.  He is that of a deceiver and fraudulent to conceal his own crime and empower those to take blame for his own actions.  For he is the one that will not deliver us from evil but will push us towards the inaction to create his own false reality.  He will mislead, misdirect, and misguide those who are supposed to be of the righteous, as she will be those who tutor others in falsehood.  Now they know who they “truly” are, inside the Animal Kingdom, for there are more animals that have yet to be identified; for there are more fools than the man who played the “Fool!” 

We are the ones who have hung ourselves upon the tree, just as Judas did for loving another man.  In this instance, we are the animals without a conscious thought who murdered a man and left for dead without calling 9-1-1 Emergency Contact Services; subsequently, as a part of 9-1-1 Emergency Contact Services this would license us to continue in our behaviour to play a game, profit from a man’s death and to governor over a man’s animal kingdom, Scrabble and Binxy, because these animals, Binxy and Scrabble, were to solicited into slavery by Rodgers Adams for 9-1-1 Emergency Contact Services to play game with USNdaddy keeping him either imprisoned or clean and sober. 

Were as, John Hamilton was exploiting Binxy, Scrabble and Red to play a game called “9-1-1,” also known as “Everybody Plays the Man as the Fool.”  John Hamilton uses this game to have individuals unlock their backdoor ways and shroud their doors either by a curtain, drapery, sheet or blanket where he would conceal is presence before he would walk inside someone’s home a take advantage of their momentary weakness. He would await for the individual to take a lethal enough injection of methamphetamine, which is considered to be a “Noble Eagle,” sending them flying in a sexual erotic frenzy and awaiting a sexual partner or partners to play with in a sexual act.  He would then unveil himself without one’s knowledge of him being inside the room.  This would permit him to play with an individual because the individual, in his opinion, would not care as to who the individual was having sexual intercourse with.  Who cares as to whom you should have intercourse with, whether it be by yourself or with another consensual partner; this decision is your decision and “truly” your decision as it is USNdaddy’s!

We are the ones who would push people into playing a game whether the game is with an injection of methamphetamine or to do something that they would not normally do; such as, stand out on a street corner take an injection of methamphetamine or a huff on an inhalant.  We are the ones who would have a man drive to a government facility to find our cities various government offices.  We are the ones who would have a man pick up all the used needles from various houses that were used to inject methamphetamine.  We are the ones who would have a man buy a red sharps container to place all the needles in that he collected.  We the ones who would have the man then drive to the local Police or Sheriff’s Station and surrender all the needles that were collected inside the red sharps container; thus, then have the man appear as the “Fool” and making him out to be an addict to narcotics.  We are the ones that wanted him to play a movie back all day long, by soliciting him into pornography because he is the most flexible sexual strong partner that community has seen due to a previous video was taken and solicited without is authorization.  We are the ones that hid upon another man’s scaffolding to video record another man raping and suffocating an individual without the violatee’s knowledge and did not speak a spoken word of the act to USNdaddy.  We are the ones that would not say anything, but would say everything to distribute bits of personal and private information about the individual to 9-1-1 Emergency Contact Services to disburse throughout the community of Coachella Valley.  We are the ones that kept insisting that the man be “clean and sober” based on issues of what another man wanted.  We are the one that wanted the man to jump over another man’s wall and trespass upon another man’s property.  We are the ones that would disgrace another man’s name by saying that USNdaddy took things away from another man’s home; and to say that he was an undercover Police Officer.

Who are we?  We are the ones who have failed the newest member in a psychic community!  We are ones who have forsaken our oaths of office which read:

Oaths of Office:

California State Police Officer’s and Sheriff’s Department

“I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the State of California; that I take this obligation freely, without mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter.”

United States Government Military

I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.  So help me God.

As we take notice the difference between the two different Oaths of Office between the State of California and our United States Military; one is to uphold the Laws and Constitution of the State of California, whereas, the other confirms their Oath of Office by swearing, So Help Me God!”  We play these games to play these games with a uniformed officer of the law or government.  We play these games as team, a group or as a company of individuals within an organization of what is supposed to be a civilized establishment.  We are the ones who write the laws as which we are to adhere to; where we create our own “Mission Statements” to produce a foundation, a base, for our religion and beliefs.  We are the State of California, we have written the following “Mission Statement” for our 9-1-1 Emergency Contact Services Department within the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department:

Mission Statement:  California Sheriff’s Department

In partnership with the public, we serve to protect the public by the suppression and prevention of crime, and the reduction of criminal recidivism; and,

Perform all mandates of the Office of Sheriff as provided in the U.S. Constitution and laws of the State of California, including the investigation and enforcement of violations of federal and state laws and local ordinances in a fair and reasonable manner; and,

Serve the superior and municipal courts by providing court security, service of civil process, and execution of lawful orders of the court; and,

Maintain the county jails and prisoners committed therein as prescribed by law in a fair and humane manner.

Mission Statement:  California Chief of Police City of Riverside[ii]

The Riverside Police Department’s mission statement is as follows:  “The Riverside Police Department is committed to a law enforcement–community partnership that is focused on public trust and safety and to provide quality, responsive and effective services through valued employees.”

Department goals include:

~       Committing to and embracing best policing strategies, management practices, and the development of skills in the workforce that promote visionary leadership throughout the organization and a well-trained, professional and customer service oriented workforce that will provide excellent police service.

~       Preventing and reducing crime and conditions that create social disorder by provisioning a full range of high-quality police services that foster an environment of public trust and confidence.

~       Enhancing its commitment to community policing by engaging the City’s leadership, Police Department and public as co-producers of public safety.

~       Ensuring police accountability to the community by measuring and evaluating organizational performance and employee commitment to the Department’s mission and values.

~       Continuing to assess, develop and implement innovative solutions, policies and procedures, and organizational systems that result in excellent police practices.

We are the ones who state, “We are here to protect and serve;” serve whom is a “true” question?  We are the ones who are here to suppress and prevent crime, reduce criminal recidivism, devote investigation and enforcement of violations, to gain public trust and safety, promote visionary leadership, produce professional and customer service, and provide excellent police service.  We are the ones who are to ensure police accountability to the community, employee commitment to the Department’s mission and values; and to deliver excellent police practices.

Are we the ones that regressed in our own mission statements to the point that we left one singular man to bring us to our own justice system, and show us were we failed and how to excel?  Are we the ones who have deteriorated in protecting a citizen that was in our custody for a Witness Protection Program?  Are we the ones that provisioned an individual into a man’s custody to protect him from others and to notify him that he was in a Witness Protection Program; this man would simply take advantage of an opportunity because he saw our now valued and beloved USNdaddy in a video that was created by John Hamilton, Michael Williams and John Gibbons.  We are the ones that circulated this video throughout our nation via social media, Blow Me Boys, and a VPN commissioned to Rodgers Adams’ household where several of us paid him to access his VPN through a website.  We are the ones who would profit from another man’s moment of weakness and trust in another individual throughout John Gibbons and USNdaddy; where to find John Gibbons and John Hamilton were involved with each other without out USNdaddy’s knowledge of this relationship between the two individuals, this would explain John Gibbons hesitation to validate his feelings for either individual, USNdaddy and John Hamilton.

We are the ones who all wanted this man inside our households to play the “Fool”.  We are the ones who created the game of “Everybody Plays the Man as the Fool” in a different manifestation than as the man who now plays “Everybody Plays the Man as the Fool.”  Their version was to solicit a man onto pornography without out profit, their version was to educate a man about being a “snitch” with inside a small community and nation, their version was to enslave a man into a program so others could take an injection of methamphetamine, their version was to imprison a man for their misconduct; and their version was to play a game with a man’s namesake, his father’s, and his family’s.   We are the ones who now face judgment and persecution for our actions and intensions.  We are the ones who lack our own faculties and our own aptitudes for achievement to acknowledge a “true and value lesson” when one is presented to them.  We blanket ourselves to suppress and squash the evidence which stands before us; we could consider this to be a “Big Fat Lie”.  We are the ones to into our homes and violate the individual whether it be sexually or imprisonment.  We are the ones who had a man pick up injection needles from within inside our homes or jail cells to surrender to 9-1-1.  We are the ones who deem a man’s value and respect; whereas to neglect the individual individuality and opinion.  We are the decision-makers of obscurity for the man who plays the “Fool,” by carelessly showing disregard for the man’s belief and conviction.

We…now…know that this man, USNdaddy, imprisoned these individuals to introduce them in their own game, “Everybody Plays the Man as the Fool,” purely to facilitate a movement in impartiality, ethical and civil action.  We are the ones that USNdaddy showed mercy and grace for our unamicable existence.  We are the ones to who found that a man is inimitable and cannot be forced into a connection or partnership based upon our own principles and theories.  We are the ones for whom USNdaddy is imparting upon us as to who we “truly” are!  We now know that we are “truly” the “Fools” we wanted USNdaddy to portray!  We now learning about his Commandments which were stolen and used to play these games.  He is the one that is schooling us in “Be CAREFUL what you do and say;” because we are the one who were not WATCHFUL of what we did and said.  We are the ones who will now have to BELIEVE in what we do and say; because our actions to speak louder that word, as to where the pen can still be mightier than the sword!  Given that we have blackmailed a man into playing a game with information what we have pilfered and sold under a contact to 9-1-1 Emergency Contact Services and to elicit other to play a game with an individual that no one “truly” knew; for now they will all know is name, because to know his name is to have your name known.

We are the ones who now “truly” regret trying to play USNdaddy as the “Fool;” for we now have to gather our lessons in mortality, vanity, decorum, righteousness, uprightness, honesty and values of a man’s character.  We are the ones who to examine a man fortitude and worth, which we neglect to see within ourselves and those for whom we trust with information about who we are.  We are the ones who are have intruded upon a man’s personal space and failed to explain ourselves to the man for whom the “Fool” was played.  As a human race, we are to acknowledge our fellow man whether it be our neighbor, friend, family, ally or foe; because:

“What we don’t understand, we can learn to accept…
What we don’t accept, we can learn to understand!”

We are the ones who took a man for granted; we are now the ones who are remunerating for the price of one man’s suicide and suffocation, his identity theft and fraud, and his knowledge to build a government experiment without his knowledge that this experiment existed.  USNdaddy is the one that we neglected to inform as to what we were doing; we are the ones who placed him under the microscope for examination to assess inside a prison cell.  We are the ones for whom in lack of better term are learning about our sins of God, and about our ignorance when it comes to true gifts from God.  Because one man was saved on multiple occasion by the grace of God, and with the assistance from the Kingdom of Heaven to bring forth a United Salvations Nations.  We are the ones who now owe a great debt for “He is the one we have all been waiting for!”

In closing, it was written a long time ago in:

Proverbs 1:2-4

To know wisdom and instruction, to perceive the words of understanding,
To receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, judgment, and equity;
To give prudence to the simple the young man knowledge and discretion

I’ve had to “truly” see beyond who they are…

For they are only children, whom those who have come before them, now watch over in disgrace and disgust for the actions and behavior to crucify a man which they left in disgrace of God.

[i]The Lottery,” Written and Directed by Alfred Hitchcock
[ii] Brochure from the Chief of Police, City if Riverside, CA, from Roberts Consulting Group, Inc