Saturday, April 19, 2014

Chapter 03: USNdaddy's Suicide

Author:  Carroll Scherber
Created:  April 19, 2014

Chapter 03:   USNdaddy's Suicide

Intro:  I had to move this Page to a Post listing due to there are a bunch of Ignorant Mother Fuckers out there that don't know how to read a blog.  They think that you only have to submit a posting every fucking day.  What they don't fucking realize is that you set your own posting ratio?  Due to the length of my postings they do nothing but bitch inside 9-1-1 Riverside County Sheriff's Department.

USNdaddy talks about Daddy’s Suicide
to Binxy and Scrabble!

Daddy, can we talk about your suicide now, Binxy inquires?

Okay, boys, let’s lay down on the sofa and Daddy will talk about the day I died, and came back to life. 

As we settle in on the sofa, Scrabble makes himself comfortable under the blanket just with his head peering out from underneath the covers.  Binxy crawls up onto my chest to make himself cozy, and just close enough to lay next to Scrabble.  Now, Binxy and Scrabble, let’s pick up where we left off about Daddy’s suicide.  This story is not for the lighthearted and to be taken seriously.

Daddy had committed suicide last November.  Daddy’s suicide went unreported by any local official and City Park employee.  I induced suicide with 60 tablets of 50 mg of Trazodone at 1:00 am on the morning of the 25th of November, and passed out by 1:30 am.  I recovered around 3:33 am that morning lying in my own blood.  USNdaddy was, what you would consider, legally dead…“Lack of Life,” for over two hours.

Binxy what is Trazodone?  Daddy, what is Trazodone, Binxy mutters? 

The medical description of Trazodone is, boys, an antidepressant, antianxiety and sleep-inducing (hypnotic) effects.

Its common side effects are:  blurred vision, dizziness, somnolence (sleepiness), dry mouth, nausea, headache and fatigue.

Common adverse effects include:  vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, backache, confusion, disorientation, incoordination, orthostatic hypotension (head rush or dizzy spell), Syncope (loss of consciousness) and tremors.

After 30 minutes, taking the prescribed medication, Daddy began to vomit and dry heave with additional results of bleeding-out from my eyes, nose, ears, mouth and even, the top of my skull.  Believe it or not, it felt as if my own stomach was bleeding; I suppose it was, due to I started vomiting blood.  I continued vomiting and bleeding continuously.  I did my best to remain on my two feet and control the bleeding through direct pressure utilizing the only thing that was available; brown paper towels to stop the bleeding from crown, and toilet tissue to control the bleeding from the nose.

Daddy, how did you know that it went “Unreported”, as Scrabble and Binxy question?

To tell you both, this is how Daddy knows:

      Firstly, Daddy gained a Clairaudience gift as I mentioned earlier in November 2012; providing Daddy with a clarity of hearing, which most people should not hear; such as radio frequencies (DBs, MHz, GHz and KHz) and what we would consider Angels and Demons.  This gift of Clairaudience was handed down through USNdaddy’s family ancestry amongst other gifts that Daddy learned about within the last two years.

      Secondly, being a Clairaudience, Daddy was challenged to commit suicide by several individuals throughout the community which included our Local and County 9-1-1 Emergency Contact Services, along with our US Government.  I could have even been provoked by Demons; I am still learning the truths as to what really happened that day.  Clairaudience can either be a “Gift” or a “Curse;” but when you add the US Government’s Top Secret project to utilize humans as Alpha and Beta testers on a Non-Lethal Bio-Weapon, the severity can be disastrous and hazardous to one’s health!

We will talk about these individuals a bit later due to this story gets a little weird with an unusual governmental twist about things that shouldn't exist…but, they have been working on this project since World War II (see for further documentation).  They just didn’t know what they were really playing with when it came to an individual’s life!  Daddy will also discuss some of these things in detail for those laymen who may not understand radio frequencies and mind-control.

      Thirdly, now let’s get into how Daddy knew that his suicide went unreported.  I could hear someone telling me on a radio frequency, we’ll talk later on that like I said.  I heard them say that I needed to get out of my car, walk around and stay on my feet; drink plenty of water.  Daddy proceeded to the restroom, and tried to induce vomiting as instructed by those that were speaking to Daddy at that time.  I was unaware as to those that were speaking to me, however, found out late this year as to those individuals that were responsible.  Daddy’s is going to list those individuals personally in later Blogs ensuring that “Proper Justice” is adhered to consequently for those individual that should take responsibility for their actions; due to these are “True and Valuable Lessons.”

Daddy was vomiting with a profusion amount of blood through practically every orifice including the anus.  A continuous bleeding, vomiting and diarrhea caused large amounts of blood coming the nose mouth, ears and skull.  Daddy was aided in his vomiting with an amount of pressure being placed on my abdomen from an external source, with that pressure lifting and pushing upward.  The pressure was so great that it started my skull to bleed and causing diarrhea.

Applying a certain amount of direct pressure to the nose and the top of my own skull; hence, still not being able halt thy own bleeding.  Daddy did everything he could to control the bleeding; I even continued to clean up after myself so that the restroom was not left in a pool and splattering of blood.  Daddy continually began to grow even dizzy and lose start of losing consciousness.  As Daddy blacked out and lost consciousness, Daddy then fainted and collapsed to the floor striking my head on the toilet and steel peddle.  If you were looking down on me from above, I look as if I had on “O” over my head; it was only the steel toilet which covered my face as I lay there on my right side and my feet visible from the stall door.

Some people may say that they see a brilliant light and/or seeing their fellow loved ones as they pass to the other side of consciousness, meaning death.  Daddy, unfortunately, saw neither as far as I can recall.  Daddy arose from the ground floor, or you could say resurrected, after the two-hour period.  I then cleaned up after awaking, and preceded back to my vehicle while still trying to regain full consciousness.  The temperature was beginning to chill to an approximate fifty degrees.  Daddy then drove himself to the Jerry L. Pettis Veterans Medical Center in Loma Linda, California, approximately forty minutes to an hour away; the cold air aided in keeping me awake until arrived.

Daddy has evidence that he even drove himself and checked into the Psychiatric Ward voluntarily for psychiatric evaluation and treatment, due to the incessant harassment that occurred throughout the previous year prior to USNdaddy’s suicide.

Daddy now resides on a Suicide Prevention Observation Watch with the Veteran Medical Center, which has continued from then until now, and from today to tomorrow, and from tomorrow to the day-after-tomorrow.  Hopefully, not from the day-after-yesterday and into the future; because if it is not the future, it is today!

      Lastly, no individual, Officer, Deputy, US Government Official and Military Service member, or Civilian reported my death on the early fall morning.  The onsite City Park Employee Attendant never contacted 9-1-1’s Emergency Contact Services to report a body lying on the public restroom floor in disgrace for these Mother F*n Games!  This suicide was committed at California just outside of Palm Springs off Interstate 10, Exit 113, at Whitewater Adobe Park.

There are those individuals that may have taken part in saving my life; but also, has a “so-called” Specialized United States Government Non-Lethal Bio-Weapon equipment, that was used in aiding to safe Daddy’s life.  No one took the time to record the event, and left me for an unreported death.  This was in hopes to keep this form or harassment and weaponry classified; therefore, I must take it upon myself to report my own death and resurrection, rebirth.

As we know and as it was written, Jesus Christ died upon a cross in disgrace with only a loin cloth to cover himself and with a thorn of crowns laid upon his head.  Where I was murdered through our US Government’s equipment and our local community of Palm Springs stretching through Coachella Valley, and the United States.  Thus, causing one to lose faith in his community, his fellowman, and his government; especially after servicing his country in the United State Navy and Navy Reserve.  I even have difficulty gaining faith within my friends and family believing in USNdaddy on a topic that has met our Science Fiction.

Daddy, didn't you receive a Navy Achievement Medal in the US Navy, Scrabble inquires?

Scrabble, Daddy's a three time Navy Achievement Medal holder.

Binxy, do you remember when Daddy was gone for such a long time in two-thousand four through two-thousand five and two-thousand six?

Wait a minute, Scrabble; I know where you are going with that question.  Daddy's served in Imminent Danger during Operation Noble Eagle, Enduring Freedom, Operation Enduring and Iraqi Freedom.

Earning himself a Meritorious Unit Commendation, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary and Service Medals, the National Defense Service Medal, and the Naval Reserve Meritorious Service Medal, two time honoree, as Scrabble proudly walks about the room talking to Daddy and Binxy.

This equipment was used to monitor USNdaddy’s movements, behavior, record and video log and file their creation ever since October 2011.  Remember, our US Government insist that this equipment does not exist, nor will they admit as to that they created an individual with Video and Recording Devices...can also been known as Human Flickering Device.

Sometimes that’s what it takes; is for one man to stand before his government, his community, and his fellowman, to ensure that is Civil Rights and Liberties, and justice for wrong doings extinguish those that proclaim and announce they are NOT in the wrong.  Only to practice to be God themselves through our science and technology without consent of those that they have taken advantage of through their own self-righteousness.

Scrabble, are you thirsty?  Daddy, can you get us some water?

Binxy, let’s go outside; I need to piss on some Tree People.

I need to piss on some Pig People, Binxy decrees!

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