Saturday, April 19, 2014

Chapter 08: Close of the Evening from Inside Sagittarian's Home

Author:  Carroll Scherber
Created:  April 19, 2014

Chapter 08:  Close of the Evening from Inside Sagittarian's Home

Intro:  I had to move this Page to a Post listing due to there are a bunch of Ignorant Mother Fuckers out there that don't know how to read a blog.  They think that you only have to submit a posting every fucking day.  What they don't fucking realize is that you set your own posting ratio?  Due to the length of my postings they do nothing but bitch inside 9-1-1 Riverside County Sheriff's Department.

Scrabble, where did we leave off in Daddy's story; I was busy eating dinner?

What do you mean Binxy; I was eating dinner too?  "I'll ask Daddy in a little bit," Scrabble tells Binxy, as he rushes to the backdoor.

As I'm finishing my dinner Scrabble sits at the backdoor waiting and just staring outward with an occasional look over his shoulder looking back at me, then glaring back out the large glass pained door awaiting the nearest tree.  As Binxy approaches Scrabble at the back door, he asks, "Scrabble do you need to go outside; I do?"

Looking at, Scrabble utters out, "Binxy, it's raining out there, just like cats and dogs."

It is, Scrabble?

Just look out there Binxy.  Are you sure you want to go out there; that's a lot of water Binxy?

Yes, I'm sure Scrabble; I really need to go.

Okay, okay, Binxy; I'll go with you!

Scrabble runs back to the living area and says, "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, it raining outside will you bring me a towel?

Me too, Daddy, Binxy hollers out!

      "Okay, boys, I'll be right there.  Here you go, let me open the door for you both first."

      "Scrabble..., you don't have to look at me like that."  With that inconsolable look upon his face, I open the rear entry door, and as Binxy tries to squeeze between the door and Scrabble in a scurry.

Scrabble rushes outside urinate on the Tree People after Binxy had cut him off at the opening at the doorway.  Before Scrabble stops at the tree, the bushes, and even the rose bushes to water and defecate upon them; Scrabble pursues Binxy outside in the yard to give him a playful swipe on the derriere because Binxy cut him off at the pass.  Binxy then scurries off before Scrabble can take him down for the tackle.  Binxy then proceeds to run off to the sanded dirt area in the back alley where there is plenty of soft soil and sand supporting the "bushes and shrubs" to urinate and defecate on the Pig People.

Scrabble is the first one to scurry back inside after getting his backside wet.  As he runs back up to me where I'm sitting on the sofa, he begins to shake is lil' ol' twenty-five pound muscular body.  Needless to you, if you haven't had a dog, the was sopping wet and had the happiest of smiles upon his face.  While I'm toweling down, here comes the puttie-cat.  He is just sopping wet and worse off than Scrabble.  Nothing like having to chase Binxy around the house to get him toweled off.  I think he was teasing me about asking for a towel, or was he asking for the towel for Scrabble?  What was Binxy thinking?  He's a bit antagonistic when it comes to playtime.  "Binxy, you are soaking wet; come here," as I finish toweling of Scrabble! 

Scrabble feeling frisky after being outside in the rain and toweled off, loves to play tug-of-war by snatching the end of the towel and dragging it across the room for me to chase after him.  He pauses and waits to see if I'm going to grab the other end of towel or chase after Binxy to wipe him down.  So, I take a few minutes to play tug-of-war and wrestle with Scrabble myself.

Now that he is dry and all wound-up, he exclaims, "Binxy, I'm going to get you!"  They both proceed to do a few laps around the furniture before the big tackle.

Binxy pauses and stalks Scrabble behind the loveseat and to catch Scrabble off guard.  Just as soon as Scrabble stops and looks at me, Binxy comes out from behind the loveseat, and swipe right across Scrabble's backside with his paw and ready for another few laps around the house; back-and-forth to the Guest bedroom through the kitchen, to be Master bedroom, and back to the living room, then around-and-around the coffee table before I can get a hold of Binxy to dry him off.

Scrabble jumps back into my lap while I'm on the sofa all in a pant, and as Binxy runs past my feet I bend down with the towel to snatch him up and dry him off.  "Binxy, now I got you; it's your turn!  Now I can dry you off.  You are soaking wet; I'd thought with all that exercise you would dry off by now."

"Oooo..., Binxy; you are all fluffy," Scrabble utters!

      Scrabble you are right.  You boys sit down and relax now that your bellies are full, and you had your exercise.

"Exercise," Binxy exclaims loudly!  "What do you mean exercise?"  "We are just wrestling like they do on the television show, 'WWW'."

Binxy, what do you mean, Worldwide Wrestling?  We watch Animal Planet!

In unison, "Daddy, turn on the television to 'Animal Planet'!"

Scrabble leaps upon on the sofa and looks at me solemnly waiting for me to part my legs, and replies, "Daddy, can I lay down here?"  "Blanky, please!"

Binxy pounces on the sofa , right there behind him, waiting for Scrabble to bury himself and get comfortable between Daddy's legs; and utters out, "Scrabble, lay down already, I'm waiting to get comfy too."

As both boys settle in and on top of the blanket and underneath it, Scrabble wiggles and rests his chin on the interior side of my knee; all the while Binxy is right there behind him on top of the blanket.  Needless to say, they are both there to keep their Daddy warm on the cold rainy day.  "Okay, boys, here's 'Animal Planet'!"  "Are you both comfortable?"

"Scrabble, you comfy," Binxy asks.

As Scrabble lets out a big huff of breath as he finishes settling in, "I am Binxy, thank you."  "How about you?"

"I am, but I could use a warm bowl of milk, Scrabble," as he looks up at Daddy with his head halfcocked and turned upside down.

"Binxy, how about some warm milk before bedtime?"

"Okay, Daddy," Binxy replies as he rests his chin upon the blanket which covers Scrabble's hip.

"Binxy, Binxy, 'Animal Planet', Scrabble shouts out with an excited tone in voice as his body is just collapsed upon mine.

      "Here you go boys," as I scratch their backsides in the loving manner they are accustomed too.

"Oooo..., Daddy, " Scrabble and Binxy reply.

"Okay, Scrabble, quiet, 'Animal Planet', Binxy responds.

Peace and quiet settles in the house except for the roars of the hippopotamuses on the television.  Shortly, thereafter, I hear the snores from underneath the blanket, and the purrs of Binxy knowing that they are both "in a safe place" curled up inside Daddy's lap.

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