Monday, February 2, 2015

All Day Long

Author:  Carroll Scherber
Created:  February 2, 2015

All day long I call these animals.  All day long I call these animals to play these games.  All day long I call these men to pay these games.  All day long I take bids on these men when they play these games with these animal kingdoms.  All day long I read these bids of information.  All day long I read through the bets. 

This is all about gambling, says the large giraffe!

That’s why Paul wrote these things, says John.  That is because they were gambling on people’s lives, I add.

When they gambling on people’s lives is when we take a chance on displeasing God.  For, Abraham took a chance on displeasing God by sacrificing his own son.

He actually understands what Binxy is talking about, says Jesus.  Yes, I understand.  People read into the information and bend the information like a reed.  The information is there for us to read as the reed is there for us to breathe underwater.  We write these things for people to read as God gave us a reed to breathe, as God gave us the water to swim and as God gave us the earth to walk.  There are reasons God gave us this information as he gave us these things.  The reasons He gave us these things is unknown however He gave us these things.

He read all my information, says Michael; this is all I had.  I took this information and made a User ID game.

This is why Lucifer does these things is because we do these things.  We are the lucifers in the eye of the Lord.  So, when we do these things Lucifer does these things.  We are the Satan’s when we play man as a fool.

Are you sure this is a small letter to the word lucifer, as Jesus?  Yes, I am sure because a capital letter signifies an individual.  It means, the Morning Star, I add.

Did he just put a smile on my face, asks Lucifer to the animal kingdom as he runs around asking all the animals in the early morning?

If you haven’t heard the joy of an angel you should hear what I hear.  I hear the joy in Lucifer’s voice as the flies around on a winged horse shouting, I am in my book!

I am reminded, Beelzebub does these things.  They do these things together.

Beelzebub!  Your name goes up in lights, says Binxy.

That’s the problem, Beelzebub says to Scrabble and Binxy; you two went into the movie business!  I went into Broadway!  Where the light the lights and all the world is a stage!  I add, And we are merely the players.

This is what we are trying to tell you, You flicker!  You flicker!  Says Scrabble.  I add, you flicker the lights on Broadway!

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