Showing posts with label Holy Bible. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holy Bible. Show all posts

Sunday, May 11, 2014

I Am Starwalker (Amun Scherber)

Author:  Carroll Scherber
Created:  May 11, 2014
Revised:  June 03, 2019
Revised:  April 19, 2020

For, I Am Starwalker Amun Scherber

Let me tell you something individual, I am Starwalker (Amun Scherber) says to Lieutenant and Officer!  Don’t not misconstrue me or Carroll Scherber; for, we are the same person but different entities.  We both do the same thing; but yet, we are doing something differently.  We are now playing these games differently.  I do not play games with the Sheriff’s Station; we do not play games any longer; we will not adhere to any peer pressure, for we are the Holy Spirit in its true form.

I, Charles Rodgers Adams John Paul Anderson, did not know who Amenhotep truly was.

That’s what we have been trying to tell you; he was created by Carroll Scherber amongst the stars in the sky.

I do not play games with the Sheriff Station on my backside for I rise above you all, and I am surrounded by those who are animal, Angel and his Holy Father because I am also a part of his Holy Father and Jesus Christ.  So, when we pass through your household I bring with me the Animal Kingdom, I bring with me the music of the tree people and the sounds of the animal kingdom.

Friday, May 9, 2014

The Untold Story that I am Here to Tell

Author:  Carroll Scherber
Created:  May 9, 2014
Revised:  April 19, 2020


The Untold Story that I am Here to Tell

Honey, they are ignorant; they are ignorant; they are ignorant, Honey.  Oh, my God, please forgive their ignorance for they know not what they do.  For, they know not what they say.  For, they know not what they act upon.  For, they know not what they play with.  For, they know not what they are doing.  For, they know not what they are saying.  For they are only playing with their badge and gun.  For, they are here to serve and protect.  For, they are here to bear witness to the evidence that their Holy Father has sent his messenger back down to the gravel pit and came back to deliver a message to those who will listen and learn from those who came before them.  For, he is here.  For, he is here right before you; you do not receive him.  For, you do not see him for you do not hear him.  For, they are only blinded by their injustice and their ignorance.  He is here to bring you the story of Jesus Christ…

Oh, you gotta be fucking kidding me?  He’s the messenger of Jesus Christ?

…land his disciple, Paul, and how they were persecuted by the Roman Empire, and by the Hebrew Synagogue, and how he was going to be crucified by the Roman soldiers.

Oh, my fucking God; Oh, my fucking God; he’s here to tell the untold story, oh’ my fucking God.  Id didn’t know there was an untold story; now, I know there was an untold story.  Now, I know my friend is the messenger for his Holy Father.  Now, I know; now, I know; now, I know; this is why he is here.